Medicine is the career with the best salary in Mexico according to a study

  • The study carried out by the IMCO ensures that Medicine has a higher salary than the rest of the careers.
  • There are currently 305,418 doctors in the country, of which 54% are men and 46% women.
  • The number of people employed as doctors in Mexico is 2.4 per thousand inhabitants.

Taking care of patients implies a strong responsibility in all senses. That is why such extensive training is required. In the end, seeing the recovery of people generates an indescribable feeling. Although there are also several negative aspects that cause anger on the part of the guild. In particular, it is accused that in Mexico the salary within the field of Medicine is unfair and insufficient.

The long and expansive road that must be traveled

First of all, no other profession requires so many years of training. The difficulties begin from the moment of entering the university. The Medicine career is one of the most requested by young people, although the places are insufficient for the high demand.

From the above, every year there are thousands of people who are rejected in public institutions. Although there is also the private sector, the main drawback is that not everyone has the resources to pay the tuition.

Once in the Faculty of Medicine, it is necessary to pass between four and five years in the classroom to learn the theoretical part. Then follows a year of internship in a hospital and another of compulsory social service to put into practice everything learned.

All of the above represents the backbone of all general practitioners. Although if they want to be specialists then they must pass the National Exam for Applicants to Medical Residencies (ENARM) and devote more years to their training.

After so many years, the least that health professionals expect is to receive an economic payment proportional to their effort. Although in some cases it is fulfilled, there are also others in which the salary of a doctor in Mexico is below expectations.

The best paid profession in the country?

Despite the complaints, a recent study ensures that Medicine is the career with the best salary in all of Mexico. In this case we refer to the investigation Compare Careers 2021 prepared by the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO).

What you mention is that the average monthly payment a doctor receives is $17,889. With this, it places it as the career with the best salary in the country. While below are Finance ($17,050) and Civil Engineering ($14,858).

The careers with the lowest salary

While at the opposite extreme are Orientation and education ($7,874), Foreign languages ​​($9,101) and Social work ($9,290). All three are considered to have the lowest average income.

Other aspects that he mentions are that workers with higher education have, on average, better jobs and higher salaries. In addition, university students can access jobs with greater specialization and hierarchy, compared to high school graduates.

University students were the least affected by job losses. They were the only educational group that increased their employment during 2020.

It also states that 51% of professionals are graduates of only nine careers. The three careers with the most graduates are Business Administration (1,487,342), Law (1,165,686) and Accounting (1,118,887).

But now the important thing is to know your opinion, do you think Medicine is the career with the best salary in Mexico?



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