“Medicine Admissions: Cut-off Grades for Spanish Universities in 2023/24 Academic Year”

2023-05-19 08:00:00

With selectivity just around the corner, applicants for study medicine begin to calculate their chances of accessing one of the degrees offered by Spanish universities in the course 2023/24. To do this, they must pass the cut-off mark, a mark that varies significantly depending on each faculty. Some, like those of Seville or MurciaThey pretty much require a perfect score to get in. There are also somewhat more accessible ones, although the grade never falls below 12 points.

The information published by the different Spanish Medicine faculties, regarding the access grades for the 22-23 academic year, reveals that the center that requires the least score to gain access to this degree is Vic, with 12,508 points. The universities of cantabria (12,778), Lleida (12,843), Girona (12,848), Leia (12,853), Reus (12,862), the Autonomous of Barcelona (12,895), The Gran Canarian palms (12,924), The lagoon (12,966) y Valladolid (12,974).

The note from the rest of the Spanish universities is one step above, beyond the barrier of 13 points. The highest qualification is that of the University of Seville, which is close to the perfect score (14 points) with a cutoff of 13.54. On the ‘podium’ are also the University of Murcia (13,525) and the Complutense of Madrid (13,476).

They are grades close to those requested in other centers such as the Valencia (13,435), the Miguel Hernandez from Elche (13.43), the Autonomous of Madrid (13,392), and those of Castilla la Mancha (13,385 in Ciudad Real and 13,373 in Albacete).

Increased demand to study Medicine

Last year the circumstance occurred that the demand to study Medicine increased more than the offer. Specifically, in the 22-23 academic year there was a ratio of 13.1 applicants per place offered by public universities, according to figures from the Ministry of Universities.

The department directed by Joan Subirats explained that the offer of places increased by 3 percent compared to the previous year, specifically until 7,518 placesof which 5,904 were linked to public universities.

However, the Ministry of Health proposed a financing model for the increase in the number of places for the Medicine degree in public universities creating 648 newa total of 6,754, according to this newspaper.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend to the reader that any health-related questions be consulted with a health professional.

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