Medicinal herb that eliminates fluid retention: this is how it should be prepared


Circulatory problems, heart failure, and kidney or liver disease can cause this condition.


The Spanish Heart Foundation indicates that the reasons for this situation are diverse and include: circulatory problems, congestive heart failure, and kidney or liver disease. There is also idiopathic cyclical edema, in which the problem occurs without a known cause.

The symptoms of this condition are mainly.

  • Inflammation, swelling or feeling of heaviness.
  • Sensation that clothes or shoes are tight.
  • Less flexibility in the joints of the arms and legs, such as the ankles, wrists, and fingers.
  • Shiny skin, tense or tight.
  • Indentation when applying pressure to the skin. This does not occur when the edema is severe.
  • Sudden or rapid weight gain.
  • decreased urine

According to the Mayo Clinic Institute, mild edema can be caused by sitting or staying in one position for a long time, eating excessively salty food, having premenstrual signs and symptoms, or being pregnant.

They may also be a side effect of some medications, including those used to control high blood pressure, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, estrogens, and some diabetes medications. However, it can be due to more complex problems such as heart failure, kidney disease, kidney damage, inadequate lymphatic system and cirrhosis, among others.

The well-being and health portal Tua Saúde indicates that water retention can be eliminated in different ways. For example, by increasing fluid intake, exercising, through diet, and with the use of medications. In the same way, with home and natural remedies such as the consumption of dandelion.

This herb is attributed diuretic properties, so it might be of great help to eliminate excess fluid from the body, according to information from the Salud 180 portal in Mexico.. To make a drink with this plant that tends to meet this objective, a teaspoon of dried dandelion leaves and a cup of water are required.

The water is heated until it reaches a boiling point, the leaves are added in a cup and the hot water is poured over them. Cover and let stand for five to 10 minutes, then strain the tea and add honey or lemon to taste and the remedy will be ready to consume. It can be eaten a couple of times a day and the recommendation is not to exceed its consumption.

In addition to providing diuretic properties, dandelion It offers benefits as an immunomodulator, digestive stimulant, prebiotic, insulin stimulant, anti-inflammatory, antiangiogenic, and antineoplastic.

Other natural alternatives

Eating in the indicated way is crucial to eliminate fluids retained in the body. Sufficient water should be drunk; reduce the consumption of salt and increase that of diuretic foods such as watermelon or cucumber; avoid canned and sausage products; eat those rich in water and increase the intake of those that are a source of potassium, such as beet greens, avocado and bananas.

It is possible that a person with fluid retention has magnesium deficiency in his body. To improve the condition you can eat banana, avocado, tomato, cocoa, nuts, chard and spinach.

Performing physical exercise is a good way to deflate the body. The contraction of large muscle groups such as arms, legs and buttocks causes excess fluid to be eliminated through urine. Recommended exercises include brisk walking, jogging, running, biking, and jumping rope, for example.

In addition to making changes in eating habits, techniques such as keeping your legs elevated, avoiding sitting for long periods of time and moving permanently can help eliminate edema.

Sleeping well and the recommended time is key so that the body has time to recover. According to specialists, sleeping a few hours does not help to eliminate liquids accumulated in the tissues.

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