Medical University gives a Bioemotion course

In this way you can access details such as cost, payment methods and duration since it is a paid activity.

It was recently presented as a proposal to the Graduate School, which validated it and sent it to the Board of Directors for treatment, where it obtained approval at the end of 2022 (following passing through the Education Commission). The assistance is blended and virtual, for which it can be done from home, it is stated in the flyer visible on social networks, the Santa Fe morning newspaper stated.

Asked regarding the profile of the content promoted there (quantum thought, emotions and neurosciences, family constellations, Ericksonian hypnosis, philosophy and spirituality, epigenetics), Arias admitted that can be controversial and enrolled them in “a palette that is offered with different possibilities in relation to non-hegemonic knowledge: from Chinese, anthroposophical and Ayurvedic medicine to homeopathy and acupuncture, among others”.

“It is a type of non-traditional medicine, a different paradigm linked to holistic theories that arouses interest and has a lot of popularity. It especially explores the mind-body interrelationship in various senses.” he elaborated, and immediately highlighted: “At the Faculty we do not forbid access to disseminate knowledge because it is not a traditional discipline, because it has an alternative approach”.


Marisa Germainpsychologist and Master’s in Public Health, consulted by La Capital, showed herself “concerned” once morest academic courses where axes such as biodecoding, neuroscience, hypnosis or family constellations are developed and stated that these issues should be discussed within the University’s Research Ethics Committee, of which he was a member in due time.

The topics mentioned by Germain tend to have links with psychology in relation to the importance of people’s past and many people tend to lean towards these practices to the detriment of psychoanalysis.

“This type of practice does not have formal recognition from the university institutions in the psi field, that is, in the field of psychology, of psychiatry. Although they are novel, they have spread socially, they lack scientific support”, assured.

“They became known, popular, especially through the networks, and since there are people who demand them, the institutions begin to support them; I am concerned that one of those institutions is the public universityGermain concluded.

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