BOGOTÁ.- The death of the doctor Catalina Gutiérrez Zuluaga, medical resident in Colombiacaused alarm in the country, after it became known that The young woman took her own life after suffering alleged abuse and humiliation from her superiors.
The victim was carrying out his First year of postgraduate training as a general surgery resident in the Javeriana university.
“To all residents, thank youI have learned a lot from each one of them. I will always carry them in my heart. You can do it. Cheer up.. CGZ,” says a note left by the young doctor.
He called on the medical profession to exert pressure with investigations and to present their experiences.
Catalina Gutiérrez Zuluaga, a resident physician at the Universidad Javeriana, took her own life in Colombia after leaving a farewell note. She is believed to have suffered abuse and mistreatment…
— anxietypresiva (@ansiedadepresiv) July 21, 2024
The Javeriana university said in a statement on Sunday that it will “review and investigate the existence of situations that are not online with our way of proceeding and will take the measures that are necessary to guarantee the well-being of the Javeriana community“.
“This is a very difficult event for our educational community, which calls us to reflect deeply and humbly on the culture and the ways of proceeding in the training of our medical specialists,” the institution added in the statement issued on “The sad news of the death of our surgical resident Catalina Gutiérrez Zuluaga“.
The message adds that “Medical training is challenging and challenging and? In some cases it involves a lot of stress and pressure due to the responsibilities that it entails,” which is why starting next week the university will begin meetings with professors and “spaces for dialogue” with the resident physicians “to establish the best line of action.”
Young doctors report abuse
Following the doctor’s death, many professionals who went through similar situations have published letters on social media in which They claim that they were subjected to humiliation and workplace abuse.
Some say they were forced to work up to 20 hours a day For weeks on end, they were punished in front of their peers without any justification and given tasks that were not related to their studies, which in some cases led them to abandon their dream of becoming specialists.
At this time, dozens of students and doctors from the Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá are paying a heartfelt tribute to Catalina Gutiérrez Zuluaga, a surgical resident at this institution, who passed away last Wednesday, July 17.
— Semana Magazine (@RevistaSemana) July 23, 2024
For its part, the state National Institute of Health (INS) “deeply regretted the death of Dr. Catalina Gutiérrez and the conditions under which it occurred.”
He also made a “strong call to put an end to acts and behaviors that may constitute any type of harassment in surgical training in Colombia.”
He also urged medical and specialist education and training institutions “to adopt measures to reduce the prevalence of these behaviours.”
The board of directors of the Colombian Medical College He also regretted “the tragedy of the death” of the doctor and said that It is “vital” to promote “an environment of respect” in these environments so that “medical education is not synonymous with suffering and emotional exhaustion.”
“We must all work together to ensure that our future doctors are trained in a healthy and supportive environment that allows them to reach their full potential without putting their mental and emotional health at risk,” the Colombian Medical Association said in a statement.
In addition to the above, the College invited family, friends and colleagues of the deceased doctor to a day of solidarity, which will take place this Monday in the main square of the Universidad Javeriana.
On social media, some netizens have pointed out and identified Catalina’s alleged attackers, and are asking the Universidad Javeriana to take the appropriate action and bring justice to the victim.
Catalina Gutiérrez Zuluaga is trending today. This social network is opening a debate that all society should have, including the U. Javeriana. Many people still think that the Crystal generation is very weak and that is why they end up in suicide. Like Dr. Juan Pablo Salgado.
Shall we make it famous?
— Alex Quiñones .•. (@aqmoncaleanowtr) July 22, 2024
#Medical #student #commits #suicide #due #alleged #harassment #teachers #goodbye
2024-07-29 07:14:55