Medical research: why this gap between the countries of the North and the South?

2024-01-25 16:00:26

The world of medical research is not spared from inequalities : in the rich and developed countries known as Nord, we are seeing medical advances and generous resources in terms of research and access to care. As for the less developed countries, known as Sudthere is less development and States struggle to access the same resources.

How can we explain this medical divide?

Lack of financial resources

The problem of wealth distribution is a major factor. The seven richest countries in the world account for two thirds of the value produced annually on the planet, in all areas combined. However, these countries only represent 12% of the world’s population. What impact on global research? For Dr. Christian Johnson, medical director of the Raoul Follereau foundation, “Medical research has a cost for poor countries. There is a problem of insufficient financial resources in these states.” The countries of the South generally do not have the means to make medical progress because of their poverty. This lack of resources also impacts another indicator of wealth, that of life expectancy. “It barely reaches 60 years in most African countries and more than 80 years in Northern countries. Poverty is the primary cause”explain Géraldine Duthé, research director at INED, takes the example of life expectancy. Furthermore, the countries of the South are subject to exploitation by the countries of the North. They do not control their market enough and remain in “underdevelopment”.

Lack of human resources

The training of health professionals is insufficient in the South. Progressing in medical research requires qualifications and qualities. “Training a researcher takes a lot of time”, recalls Dr. Christian Johnson. There is also a blatant lack of communication between researchers in the North and those residing in countries in the South. According to Valéry Ridde, research director at CEPED and working in Senegal for 4 years, researchers who go abroad do not work with researchers in the country. Yet, “They must do it! Everyone must participate in the issues if we want to progress”he believes.

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Lack of political will

What are states doing? It is a problem that seems to join all the others, because governments do not raise enough awareness among their populations and put little money into health problems. “Two examples: there is little awareness in Africa about vaccines and hospitalization is so expensive that people don’t even think about it”, illustrates Géraldine Duthé. Researcher Valéry Ridde adds that it is not just a problem of awareness because “Often, people are aware of the problems they are experiencing but States do not give them the means to resolve them.”

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