[Medical Cases]Brain Flux|

Racking my brain, what kind of juice is it? The water content of the brain accounts for 75%. The brain contains regarding 100 billion nerve cells, which start with 1 followed by 11 zeros. The brain can store information, 2.5 million gigabytes.

Information travels through the brain at 250 miles (402 kilometers) per hour. The adult brain weighs only regarding 3 pounds (1.4 kilograms) and is like a solid jelly. Let the brain float in the skull and keep the pressure on the brain constant. Which general is responsible for this task?

A 78-year-old grandfather had a severe cough. After taking western medicine for a month, he was still coughing. The son was worried, so he took his father to the hospital for an examination to see if his lungs were inflamed? On the scheduled day for the examination, my dad happened to have a gout attack, his right knee hurt, and he mightn’t walk stably. Seeing this, the doctor thought that my father might be prone to stroke, so he directly used computerized tomography scan, and the result was that my father had hydrocephalus.

Get to know the cerebrospinal fluid

※Shape: It is a transparent liquid, which is brain liquid, brain juice.

※Ingredient: It is very similar to the composition of blood, containing various salts, electrolytes, glucose, and trace protein.

※Source: Secreted by the choroid in the ventricle. Adult daily output, regarding 500cc.

※Residence: Surrounds the brain and spinal cord.

※Task: remove metabolic waste in the brain, maintain the stability of brain pressure, and protect the nervous system.

※Execution path: circulation between each ventricle and the subarachnoid space. Surrounds the surface of the brain and spinal cord, enters the cerebral veins, and travels to the heart.

What is hydrocephalus

※The amount of water in the brain increases, that is, the cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles, or the subarachnoid space, accumulates too much. If the river water slowly rises, the ventricle gradually expands, so that the tissues around the ventricle are compressed.

※It often occurs in the elderly over 60 years old. One out of every 500 babies has hydrocephalus.

※It is the most common problem in neurosurgery.

Why does the brain increase and explode

※The cerebrospinal fluid produces too much secretion.

※The absorption of cerebrospinal fluid is too little and the recovery is poor.

※The circulation path of cerebrospinal fluid is blocked. Most commonly, the cerebral aqueduct is narrowed.

※ subarachnoid hemorrhage.

※ Intraventricular hemorrhage. Ventricular hemorrhage in premature infants has a higher risk.

※ Congenital tissue surrounding the nervous system, not fully closed (spina bifida).

※Congenital neural tube defect.

※Congenital brain abnormalities. Bloated brain.

※ Intrauterine infection during pregnancy will increase the risk of hydrocephalus.

※Brain infection, trauma, or tumor.

※Many hydrocephalus patients cannot find the cause of the disease.

Symptoms of hydrocephalus

※Cognitive and memory loss, slow thinking, mental retardation, people become apathetic and withdrawn. Symptoms similar to Alzheimer’s disease.

※ Difficulty starting, it seems to be stuck, the joints are suddenly stuck, the gait is unstable, the steps are small, and the step distance is small. Similar to Parkinson’s disease, you can only use a wheelchair in the end.

※The autonomic control of the bladder is out of order. Whenever there is a urge to urinate, it is too late to go to the toilet, frequent urination, or even urinary incontinence.

※Headache, fecal incontinence.

※Diplopia, optic atrophy, blindness.

※ Personality changes, loss of balance.

※Children’s hydrocephalus, accumulation of overloaded cerebrospinal fluid, oppresses the brain, causing brain damage, degeneration, and even death.

※Children with hydrocephalus, rapid enlargement around the head, increased brain pressure, vomiting, restlessness, drowsiness, restlessness, growth retardation.

※Infants with hydrocephalus, the anterior fontanel swells, and the eyes look fixedly downward.


※In 1980, at the University of Sheffield, UK, a top student in the Department of Mathematics had an IQ of 126. Professor of neurology John. Lauber, having his brain scanned with computerized tomography, was shocked to find that he was brainless. The thickness of the cerebral cortex is 4.5 mm for ordinary people, but he is only 1 mm, and the brain is filled with cerebrospinal fluid.

※In 2007, the authoritative British magazine “The Lancet” (Lancet) published a case of a 44-year-old male civil servant. Due to the weakness of his left leg, he was examined by computer tomography and found that he was brainless. His brain was only 10 percent of a normal person’s size, and it was filled with cerebrospinal fluid. IQ 75. He is married, has a child, and lives a normal life.

hydrocephalus treatment

※Shunt operation: This method treats the symptoms and cannot cure hydrocephalus.

※Third ventriculostomy: A small hole is made in the third ventricle. Make the cerebrospinal fluid flow to the bottom of the brain, be absorbed, and promote the normal circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid.

shunt surgery

※Purpose: To drain excess cerebrospinal fluid.

※Shunt: Contains a flexible and elastic silicone tube and a valve.

※Implant the thin tube into the ventricle, all the way to the abdominal cavity or chest cavity, pleural cavity, and atrium.

※When the pressure in the capillary accumulates to a certain level, the valve of the shunt opens to release and discharge the cerebrospinal fluid.

※The expelled cerebrospinal fluid will be absorbed into the intestines, followed by the pipeline, and then sent to the blood circulation.

Complications following shunt surgery

※The drainage system is malfunctioning or blocked.

※The drainage tube produces rejection, bacterial infection, and bleeding.

※The function of the drainage tube is not good, so that the drainage of cerebrospinal fluid is too much or too little.

※Excessive drainage of cerebrospinal fluid causes ventricular atrophy and subdural hemorrhage.

※The drainage of cerebrospinal fluid is too little, resulting in recurrence of hydrocephalus.

※If the course of hydrocephalus is too long, the effect of surgery will be greatly reduced.

The son didn’t dare to let his father have an operation on his head, and wanted to try Chinese medicine. When the grandfather came to the clinic, he was on crutches and his steps were unsteady, but he refused to help his son. Seeing this, I got up and helped him sit on the chair. Grandpa used to like to play around, but now he looks like this, he can’t go anywhere, his face is full of displeasure, his eyes are wide open, seeing no one is pleasing to his eyes, and his face is flushed with anger, but what can I do! The devil came to him to play games.

acupuncture treatment

Grandpa had never had acupuncture before, so he had no choice but to accept acupuncture. To soothe the nerves first, acupuncture at Shenting acupoint opposite. When grandpa feels irritable, add acupuncture at Yintang acupoint. For the elderly, first replenish yang energy, and then needling at Baihui acupoint. The face is flushed, it is Yangming meridian heat, reducing fire, acupuncture Hegu point. The whole face is flushed, which is also caused by the hyperactivity of liver yang, and you get angry at every turn. Acupuncture at Taichong point.

After the injection, I waited a while to see Grandpa’s reaction.

The redness on Grandpa’s face gradually eased. Although my needle technique is already very light, my grandpa would scold me every time I get an injection: “Can’t you be gentler? It hurts!” I softly asked Grandpa, “Are you okay?” Grandpa was very angry. I said, “What’s so good!” Although I kept saying, “It’s a pity!” to coax Grandpa, Grandpa was still very angry, and his eyeballs almost jumped out and hit him. Afterwards, scolding during acupuncture and moxibustion!

For the drainage of hydrocephalus, first look for the lung meridian, spleen meridian, liver meridian, and kidney meridian that are related to water metabolism. For the first acupuncture and moxibustion, the layout should be arranged first, so that the elderly can get used to acupuncture and moxibustion. After that, to prevent mental retardation, acupuncture at Sishencong point. For vision and balance problems, the needle Baihui penetrates the Qiandian point, the upper side line of the occipital, and the upper middle line of the occipital.

For urination problems, acupuncture at Qiandian point, scalp acupuncture on genital area, regarding Tauwei point toward temple, Qihai, Guanyuan, and Yinlingquan points. Walking is unfavorable, the top of the needle is the top of the perineum, the ankle area, the three-needle row needling, Yanglingquan, Zusanli, Hegu, and Taichong points. After that, add or subtract according to the syndrome, according to Grandpa’s spirit and mood, add or subtract the number of needles and stimulation amount, and use the acupuncture points in rotation. Acupuncture 2 times a week.

At the beginning of the questioning and dialogue, Grandpa’s reaction was a bit slow and messy at times, but when Grandpa cursed people, he spoke very fast. Grandfather has been unable to move, so he has to ask his family for help. One day, Grandpa even made a phone call by himself to buy betel nuts at home. The family members were angry, funny, and a little happy, and Grandpa’s mind would turn sharply.

Grandfather eats 1 pack of betel nuts every two days. His family, especially grandma, told him to quit betel nuts, but it didn’t work. I said to my grandpa, “Grandpa, you can eat one less betel nut a day, okay? You can save a few needles!” Unexpectedly, grandpa said straightforwardly: “Don’t eat betel nuts! It’s okay.” My son was listening Laugh!

After the third needle, Grandpa walked more smoothly. Grandpa really didn’t eat betel nuts anymore. For the 6th needle, Grandpa did not use crutches to walk, and the stride distance was slightly longer. However, I asked him to walk with a cane, which is safer. Other symptoms require long-term resistance. It is really a brain-struggling and nerve-wracking disease!

Afterwards, my grandfather was afraid of needles and often had a temper. After getting sick, he had a violent personality and was difficult to communicate. Every acupuncture session was a tug-of-war. After 13 acupuncture sessions, he stopped coming for acupuncture.

There is a story in which someone asked the Buddha: “You have great supernatural powers and compassion. Why are there so many miserable people in the world who cannot be saved?” The Buddha replied, “Although I have the greatest supernatural powers, there are four things I can’t do:

1. Cause and effect, cause and effect cannot be changed, self-cause and self-effect, duty-bound.

2. Wisdom. Wisdom cannot be bestowed. It should be tempered by oneself and liberated by oneself.

3. The wonderful law, the wonderful law cannot be said, the truth of the universe cannot be expressed in words, and it can be proved by oneself.

4. Fate, no fate cannot be saved, although Buddhism is wide, it is difficult for no one. “@

Excerpted from “Nine Nine Returns to Truth – The Greatest Kindness is Like Water” / Broad Publishinghttp://broadpressinc.com/

Cover of “Nine Nine Returns to Truth – The Greatest Kindness Is Like Water”. (Provided by Boda Publishing House)

Editor in charge: Li Yun

Click【Wen Binrong’s medical case column】Series of articles.



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