“Mediation Results: Once and Ahmad Dhani clarify Music Royalty Tariffs”

2023-04-18 13:05:00

CNN Indonesia

Tuesday, 18 Apr 2023 20:05 WIB

Ahmad Dhani and Once met at Kemenkumham, Tuesday (18/4), with other musicians regarding music royalty rates. (Audrey/detik.com)

Jakarta, CNNIndonesia

Once Mekel admitted that he was satisfied with the meeting with Ahmad Dhani and a number of other musicians as well as the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) regarding music royalty issues, especially performing rights.

In a media conference after mediation at the Kemenkumham Building, Tuesday (18/5), Once said that musicians would be promised a Ministerial Regulation in the near future, especially in terms of royalty rates.

“Of course satisfied. Mr. Minister with Mr. Director General who provided time there is a great desire and there is also the intention and determination from the government to support the system that is being built, hopefully it will run well, be realistic, and its goals will be achieved,” said Once.

At the meeting, one of the topics discussed was related to the existence of Article 23 paragraph 5 in Law Number 28 of 2014 or the Law.

In that sentence, it reads that anyone can make commercial use of a work in a show “without first asking permission from the Creator” as long as they pay royalties. This verse is what Once holds against Ahmad Dhani.

On the other hand, Ahmad Dhani holds that anyone still has to ask permission from the creator of a work to be able to perform a song. This refers to Article 9 paragraph 3 in the same law.

“Earlier the talk was like this, the Minister said that Article 23 is under Article 9. Article 23 is inferior to Article 9, namely singers must ask permission from the author of the song,” said Ahmad Dhani.

“So article 23 earlier, the Minister agreed that the article was indeed a problem. The minister agreed. I don’t need to talk nonsense,” he continued.

That way, song creators are allowed not to give permission to other parties to perform their songs.

Continue to the side..

New Rules Regarding Tariffs


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