Media Funding: Seeking Transparency in the Face of Abundant Claims

“It’s a significant amount when you look at it as a percentage, when you look at what that budget was. No other program has such growth,” S. Kairys told BNS on Thursday.

According to him, the budget of the previously functioning Press, Radio and Television Support Fund amounted to 3.2 million. euros. Next year, it should grow by an additional 1.95 million. euros.

The Lithuanian Union of Journalists (LŽS), the Society of Lithuanian Journalists, the Internet Media Association and a number of other media media organizations say that a budget twice as large as it was was previously promised.

“While creating a new model of state support for the media, the government has clearly committed itself to ensuring adequate support for cultural and regional, investigative journalism and even individual scholarships for journalists. We very much hope that the appropriate budget will be approved by the Seimas, because so far the funds provided in the draft budget are far too few”, said Dainius Radzevičius, head of LŽS.

The Minister of Culture pointed out that the Media Support Fund has not started working yet.

“Just yesterday, the director of the new Media Support Fund was elected, here, well, apparently there is also a certain circumstance,” he said on Thursday.

On the other hand, S. Kairys emphasized that the budget can still change during the debates in the Seimas.

Media organizations applied to the Presidency, the Government, the Ministries of Finance and Culture, and the Seimas, asking for more funding.

The Media Support Fund, which replaced the Press, Radio and Television Support Fund, was established after complaints and protests from representatives of the cultural press regarding the flawed funding procedure.

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#part #media #funding #Kairys #amount #significant
2024-09-08 11:31:32

What are the key features of the newly established Media Support Fund in Lithuania?

Boosting Media Support in Lithuania: A New Era of Funding and Growth

Lithuania has witnessed a significant milestone in its media landscape, with a substantial ⁢increase in funding for the Media Support ⁤Fund. This development marks a crucial step towards promoting⁤ cultural and regional journalism, investigative reporting, and individual scholarships for journalists. In this article, ⁣we will ⁤delve into the details of this growth and explore the implications for the‍ media industry in Lithuania.

A Significant Budget Increase

According to S. Kairys, the⁢ budget for the Media Support Fund is expected to ⁢grow by an additional 1.95 million euros, a substantial increase from the previous 3.2 million euros allocated to the Press, Radio and Television Support‌ Fund. This growth⁤ is unprecedented, ​with no other program experiencing such a significant rise. [[1]]

Media Organizations Push for More Funding

The Lithuanian Union ‍of Journalists (LŽS), the Society of Lithuanian Journalists, the Internet Media Association, and several other media organizations ‍have expressed⁢ their concerns over the current funding, ‌deeming it inadequate to support the country’s media landscape. They are advocating for a budget twice as large as previously promised, emphasizing the ⁤need for⁤ sufficient funds to ensure the sustainability of cultural and regional journalism, as well ‍as individual⁣ scholarships for journalists. [[2]]

The New Media Support Fund

The Media Support Fund was established to replace‍ the Press, Radio and Television Support Fund, following complaints and protests from representatives⁤ of ⁣the ⁢cultural press regarding the flawed funding procedure. While ⁤the new fund is yet to commence ⁤operations, its director has recently been elected, paving‍ the‌ way ‍for its initiation. [[3]]

A Call to​ Action

Media organizations⁢ have applied to the ​Presidency, the Government, the Ministries of⁢ Finance and Culture, and the Seimas, urging for more funding to ⁣support the country’s media industry. The ⁣Minister of ​Culture has acknowledged that the budget ‍can still‌ be⁤ revised during the debates in the Seimas, leaving room for potential⁢ adjustments.

Lithuania’s Media ​Landscape

Lithuania has a rich media⁤ landscape, with a strong presence of local, regional, and community media outlets. The country has been actively working to promote media⁤ diversity and plurality, with initiatives such​ as the ⁢Local Media for Democracy project, which aims to support local, regional, and community media ​in the country. [[3]]


The significant budget increase for the Media Support Fund⁤ marks⁢ a ‍vital‌ step towards strengthening Lithuania’s media ‌industry. ​As the ⁤country continues to work towards promoting cultural and regional journalism, investigative reporting, ‍and individual scholarships for journalists,⁤ it is essential to ensure‌ sufficient funding to support these initiatives.‍ With the new Media Support Fund‌ set ​to⁣ commence operations, Lithuania is poised to enter a new era of media growth and development.





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What recent changes have been made to Lithuania’s Media Support Fund and how do they impact journalist funding?

Boosting Media Support in Lithuania: A New Era of Funding and Growth

Lithuania has witnessed a significant milestone in its media landscape, with a substantial increase in funding for the Media Support Fund. This development marks a crucial step towards promoting cultural and regional journalism, investigative reporting, and individual scholarships for journalists. In this article, we will delve into the details of this growth and explore the implications for the media industry in Lithuania.

A Significant Budget Increase

According to



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