Media Failures and Trump’s Accountability: A Critical Analysis

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Recently, I took a few days to explore the enchanting streets of Paris, immersing myself in its timeless beauty and vibrant culture.

During my travels, Nicole and I engaged in a deep discussion about media ethics and integrity on Friday. We specifically noted how the Washington Post has seemingly capitulated to Donald Trump’s influence by deciding against endorsing Kamala Harris, a decision that raises serious questions about journalistic independence.

Whatever shifts the WaPo and the Los Angeles Times have made in their editorial stance towards Trump, one undeniable consequence is that it has drawn heightened scrutiny to the media’s broader failings in 2023.

Back in February, I reached the unsettling conclusion that traditional media outlets were unlikely to hold Trump accountable, particularly given their complete disregard for critical stories. A prime example is the way Trump’s DOJ allegedly utilized a clandestine channel to obtain damaging information from Rudy Giuliani, a figure with ties to known Russian operatives, in an attempt to criminally implicate Joe Biden in the Alexander Smirnov bribery allegations.

One political campaign’s Department of Justice appeared to conspire to frame its rival, yet this astonishing development has been met with conspicuous silence from the press.

The media’s shortcomings extend far beyond this single incident. In fact, there have been only a handful of stories covering Trump’s manipulative use of presidential pardons. Meanwhile, there has been a glaring lack of inquiry into whether Trump maintains allegiances to the Saudi regime over his own countrymen. Furthermore, we seldom address the fact that Trump unlawfully retained hundreds of classified documents, with even more potentially unaccounted for.

It is distressing yet predictable that this level of media negligence has persisted. After all, it was Trump’s initial ability to manipulate the narrative surrounding the Russian investigation that set the tone for this dynamic.

The Mueller investigation not only yielded legal findings but also unveiled multiple High-profile associates of Trump, including his campaign manager and personal attorney, who were found to have lied in an effort to cover up their interactions with Russia during the 2016 election. Despite the investigation’s substantial revelations, the media has failed to rigorously fact-check Trump’s repeated assertions, branding the findings as mere “Russia, Russia, Russia” conspiracies—a phrase that dismisses the gravity of the situation.

For reasons ranging from ignorance to sheer media fatigue, major news outlets have allowed Trump to evade accountability for the assistance he received from Russia in 2016. They have also created a double standard surrounding this year’s issues related to hacks from Iran and China, failing to acknowledge Trump’s own invitations for foreign interference during the 2016 election cycle.

In an open and documented manner, Rudy Giuliani traveled the globe in search of foreign collusion to undermine the integrity of the 2020 election—a fact that has not received the media attention it deserves.

The “Ball of Thread” series has been my attempt to shed light on these multifaceted issues. Here’s a brief overview of what I aimed to highlight:

  • Trump and the media allowed the Steele dossier to overshadow a variety of his pre- and post-election transgressions.
  • Trump shifted the focus from an investigation into corruption linked to his administration to an attack on the so-called Deep State.
  • Republicans in Congress expanded upon the Steele dossier narrative as a method of diverting attention.
  • These shifts have intentionally damaged the credibility of the FBI, particularly those individuals with expertise on Russian matters.
  • Former Attorney General Bill Barr obstructed efforts to initiate impeachment procedures based on the findings of the Mueller investigation.
  • In an attempt to discredit Mueller’s investigation, Barr propagated a narrative to mislead the public about both the investigation itself and Biden, laying the groundwork for the insurrection on January 6.
  • The Durham investigation further criminalized the exposure of Hillary Clinton’s victimization by Russian operatives.
  • Bill Barr was instrumental in Rudy Giuliani’s efforts to criminally implicate Joe Biden.
  • The ongoing investigations into Hunter Biden have monopolized the media’s attention, diverting necessary scrutiny from Trump himself.

This narrative ultimately showcases how Trump has successfully wielded grievances against the backdrop of a Russian investigation that concluded with significant lies from top aides to mask the truth.

To this day, the media continues to allow him to brush aside those profound findings with a simple, dismissive chant of “Russia, Russia, Russia.”

The media’s prolonged capitulation to Trump’s authoritarian tactics, a trend largely directed by figures like Jeff Bezos, is far from a new phenomenon. This troubling dynamic has been unfolding for a staggering six years.

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