Mechanics of epidemics, season 5: malaria: a podcast to listen to online

Today, malaria kills an average child every two minutes. What do we know about this disease as old as Homo sapiens? Professor Renaud Piarroux guides you in this epidemiological investigation in the footsteps of this serial killer known as malaria or paludism.

Today, malaria kills an average child every two minutes. The parasite that causes it has become resistant to several drugs, mosquitoes continue to gain ground, and the much-heralded vaccine proves disappointing, even counterproductive.

What do we know about this disease as old as Homo sapiens? How can we measure its impact on humanity, both historically and genetically? How can we hope to control it one day?

As he did for cholera, with AIDS et influenza, Renaud Piarrouxhead of the parasitology department at Pitié-Salpêtrièreguides you in this epidemiological investigation in the footsteps of this serial killer which is called malaria or paludism.

Mechanics of epidemics

Mechanics of epidemics is a collection of podcasts that invites you to go to the other side of the mirror, and discover behind the scenes of five recent epidemics, from the point of view of a doctor in the field, a researcher, to understand how these diseases appear , how politicians react to them, and how societies are upset by them.

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An original podcast in 4 15-minute episodes, narrated by epidemiologist Renaud Piarroux, produced by Alexandra Kandy-Longuet.

Program advisor: Camille Renard, with the collaboration of Pascaline Bonnet.
INA documentalist: Delphine Desbiens. Thanks to Martine Piarroux.

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