Measures to reduce electricity consumption during the heat (+List)

People living in the United States (US) must have strategies to reduce their electricity consumption when the temperature rises, learn how to reduce your bill

During periods of high temperatures or when dangerous heat waves occur in the US, it is inevitable that people will use their air conditioning even more.

However, by doing so, people are faced with an increase in the cost of their energy bills, which is an expense that is outside their planned budget.

However, due to the record heat peaks that have been experienced in different states of the USA, some useful recommendations have been disseminated.

These are some actions and tricks that can be implemented to prevent consumption from not being as demanding as it could be, allowing you to save some money on your bill.

USA: This is how you can reduce electricity consumption

One of the first recommendations is to keep the thermostat in a range of 24-26°C, which is ideal for balancing comfort and energy efficiency.

If you have a programmable thermostat, you can automatically adjust the temperature based on the time of day.

That is, you can program it to raise the temperature slightly when you are not at home or at night, which reduces energy usage without affecting your comfort.

While this can also be done at the time, people may forget to make these adjustments, which will impact their wallets.

Take cleaning and isolation measures

A dirty air filter forces the air conditioner to work harder to circulate air, which increases energy consumption.

It is recommended to clean or replace the filters regularly, to ensure efficient airflow and lower energy consumption.

You should check that your windows and doors are well sealed to prevent fresh air from escaping.

Additionally, it is advisable to use curtains or blinds to block direct sunlight.

This keeps the interior temperature more stable and reduces the workload of the air conditioner.

Efficient electricity consumption in the US?: Follow these tips

Ceiling or pedestal fans can complement the use of air conditioning by distributing cool air more evenly.

This will allow you to keep the thermostat at a higher temperature without losing comfort.

  • Regular AC Maintenance

You need to perform periodic maintenance on your air conditioner as it is crucial to its efficiency.

An optimal equipment will consume less energy and have a longer useful life.

Pay attention to details and evaluate your equipment

  • Minimize the Use of Internal Heat Sources

Keep in mind that appliances such as ovens, dryers, and incandescent lights generate heat.

This can cause the air conditioner to work harder.

Ideally, you should use these devices during the coolest hours of the day.

  • Think of highly energy-efficient equipment

When purchasing an air conditioner, opt for a model with high energy efficiency.

Although the initial cost will be higher, the savings on your electricity bill will offset the investment in the long run.

With information from Heraldo USA

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2024-08-26 21:04:09



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