Measles outbreaks in at least 21 African countries

The Epidemic Weekly Bulletin and other emergencies of September 4, 2022 released by the World Health Organization Africa Office shows widespread transmission of measles in African countries with 18 countries reporting cases.

The affected countries are: Cameroon (2,882 cases and 51 deaths between January 1 and August 21, 2022), theEthiopia (7,519 cases and 52 deaths between January 1 and August 7, 2022), the Guinea (21,914 cases and 33 deaths between January 1 and May 27, 2022), the Kenya (19 cases and no deaths between January 1 and July 30, 2022), the Liberia (5,923 cases and 71 deaths between January 1 and July 20, 2022), the Mali (582 cases and no deaths between January 1 and July 3, 2022), the Mozambique (82,632 cases and 1,120 deaths between January 1 and April 17, 2022), the Namibia (23 cases and no deaths between January 1 and June 6, 2022), the Niger (6,103 cases and 6 deaths between January 1 and April 17, 2022), the Central African Republic (1,122 cases and 1 death between January 1 and July 24, 2022), the Republic of Congo (6,528 cases and 132 deaths between January 1 and June 12, 2022), the Democratic Republic of Congo (82,632 cases and 1,120 deaths between January 1 and June 17, 2022), the Senegal (326 cases and no deaths between January 1 and August 28, 2022), the Sierra Leone (407 cases and no deaths between January 1 and June 12, 2022), the South Sudan (538 cases and 2 deaths between January 1 and June 17, 2022), the Tanzania (223 cases and no deaths between June 30 and August 23, 2022), the Chad (2,640 cases and 1 death between January 1 and August 14, 2022) the Zambia (438 cases and 3 deaths between January 1 and June 17, 2022).

L’UNICEF reports 6,034 cases and 685 deaths between April 10 and September 5, 2022 in Zimbabwe.

To this list must be added the Nigeria with over 1000 measles cases recorded in theEtat de Sokoto at the beginning of 2022 (see the new 19096) and the Sudan (see the news 19095).

Recommendation for the traveler in case of stay in an area where the transmission of measles is documented:

These vaccination recommendations apply from the age of 6 months:

  • Infants aged 6 to 11 months : One dose of MMR vaccine, then 2 doses of MMR vaccine according to the recommendations of the vaccination schedule in force (1 dose at the age of 12 months, then one dose between 16 and 18 months).
  • Children from 12 months : A 1st dose of MMR vaccine at the age of 12 months and a 2nd dose between 16 and 18 months; this 2nd dose can be administered more quickly when travelling, respecting a minimum period of one month between the 2 doses.
  • For the people born following 1980 and older than 12 months : Two doses in total of MMR vaccine regardless of immunization history for rubella and mumps and regardless of history for the three diseases [12,17]. Persons previously vaccinated with 2 doses and whose 1st dose was administered before the age of 12 months must receive a 3rd dose.
  • People born before 1980 : In the context of travel to endemic countries, it is recommended that people not protected once morest measles (no known history of measles or not previously vaccinated) receive a dose of MMR vaccine before departure.

Vaccination should be completed at least 15 days before departure.

Sources: World Health Organization, United Nations Children’s Fund



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