Measles epidemic super-emergency to catch corona… The lowest vaccination rate for infants and toddlers

measles vaccination [유니세프 홈페이지 캡처]

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have warned that a measles epidemic is threatening to emerge as measles vaccination rates have declined due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to and the Associated Press, a joint report from the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that nearly 40 million children worldwide missed a measles vaccine last year.

Measles is so contagious that at least 95% of the population must be immunized to prevent an epidemic.

However, it was found that only 81% of children who received one vaccination last year and 71% of children who received two vaccinations last year.

This is the lowest number since 2008 on a per-dose basis.

Measles is one of the vaccinations for infants and toddlers, which is supposed to be given twice, but it seems that the measles vaccination rate has declined as the existing medical system has been shaken by the Corona 19 pandemic and fake news has spread over vaccination.

“Record numbers of children without immunity to measles show that the defense system has been severely damaged during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Rochelle Wallensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

There are also signs of a measles epidemic in some parts of the United States.

Currently, the vaccination rate among infants and toddlers in the United States is 90.4%, which is below the minimum line of defense of 95%.

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