meaning, origins and powers of this stone

Meaning, origins and therapeutic powers

Agate has been a very popular fine stone since Antiquity. In addition to its beautiful nuances, it also has many virtues for the body and the spirit, which makes it a complete stone. Find out all regarding this precious stone.

Summary :

  • Origins of Agate: a stone from Sicily
  • Color of Agate: several colors possible
  • Agate: the stone of balance and harmony
  • Virtues and powers of agate: the stone of balance

Agate is a pierre fine, also called semi-precious. There are deposits all over the world, but it is mainly present in southern Brazil, Uruguay and Quebec. What are the properties and origin of this popular stone? Here are all the details.

Color :

Almost all colors are represented in agate.

Crystal system:


Composition :

Silicon dioxide, SiO²

Associated astrological sign :


Prix :

From €150 per stone


You are Latin agateaccording to the river Achates (Dirillo), in Sicily, where the stone was found in abundance.

Unlike opal, agate had an excellent reputation in antiquity. Today, there are many varieties in the world that are distinguished by bands of different colors.

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Origins of Agate: a stone from Sicily

The name of the stone, agate, is derived from the Greek “Akhatês” which designates this variety of chalcedony. In ancient times, peasants carried an agate or hung it on their plow to harvest better, more abundant crops. It was also considered the lucky charm of gardeners.

Thanks to its protective virtues, it was also a symbol of longevity. In the Middle Ages it was believed to preserve spells, poison, demons and all evil things in general. It might also bring wealth to the wearer.

Color of Agate: several colors possible

The colors of Agate are varied:

  • blanc,
  • bluish gray,
  • Gray green,
  • yellow brown,
  • brun,
  • rouge
  • noir

Agate can be called Jaspoid Agate or Jasper Agate. When reminiscent of Opal, it is called “Agate Iris”.

Agate: the stone of balance and harmony

This precious stone would have virtues to reduce fatigue, fight phases of depression or even improve the quality of the skin. Depending on the type of agate, it would be suitable for all astrological signs. The native of Libra is lucky enough to be able to benefit from the effects of any type of agate.

Virtues and powers of agate: the stone of balance

The energy of this stone works gently on the body. It acts directly on the cause of diseases and improves mental functions. Often called an anchor and luck stone, it improves the emotional and physical balance of the wearer.

The psychic properties of agate

  • Fight once morest sleepwalking:

In the Middle Ages, agate was used once morest sleepwalking attacks which were very common at that time. This required putting the stone in water for 3 days. All food consumed by the sick person had to be prepared in this water, without the stone, and all drinks had to be taken with the stone.

This practice was to be applied during the Full Moon and the following 5. Indeed, the rituals to be practiced at the Full Moon can be useful to benefit from its protection.

  • Protection and serenity

This stone of protection brings serenity, it makes it possible to find the mental and emotional balance.

It helps to have self-confidence and to find happiness.

  • Harmonizes Yin and Yang

Agate harmonizes Yin and Yang, it soothes. It also helps to calm anxiety attacks.

The virtues of agate on health:

Agate is the Yin and Yang of lithotherapy. It promotes the balance of body and mind. The energy of this stone works gently on the body. It acts directly on the cause of diseases and improves mental functions. For example, it is easier to make decisions, because it brings clarity to things. The stone is excellent for developing eyesight. It is also associated with the second Chakra, the place of our strength, our sexual energy and our creativity.

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Placed in the room of a sick person, it restores courage and the desire to fight in the patient.

How to clean and recharge an agate?

  • To clean your agate, immerse it in distilled water or expose it to Moonlight.
  • If you wish to purify it, expose it to sunshine.
  • To recharge it, place it on a Quartz or Amethyst mat, which both cleanses it and recharges it.

Now that you know the secrets of Agate, discover:

  • the 10 healing stones
  • What precious stones should not be associated?
  • 7 stones to wear to attract love and keep it



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