Mayssam Benama has signed his first professional contract with AS Monaco

2023-05-30 14:26:00

Mayssam Benama will continue to write his story in the Principality. The 18-year-old midfielder has signed his first three-year professional contract with ASM. He was coming to the end of his aspiring contract and was followed by several L1 clubs. Marseille, Nantes, Reims or Toulouse were part of a long list of courtiers. Complete, his profile was also popular in Italy and Germany, but the native of Tours finally opted for his training club.

A few weeks ago, the first discussions had not succeeded concerning this hope of the Monegasque formation, top scorer of the ASM with five goals during the epic in Gambardella. The one who evolved as a sentry under the orders of Frédéric Barilaro wondered what place would be made for him in the pro group. The speech given by its leaders visibly reassured him. He felt wanted and involved in the future of the club.

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