Mayor of Palavecino delivered report of 100 days of management

The Mayor of the Palavecino municipality, Lara state, Derby Guedez, presented this Tuesday, March 15, a balance of the first 100 days of municipal management.

“I will continue working for the efficiency, inclusion and participation of citizens in public policies,” he stressed at the beginning of his report at the “Aquilino Juares” sports center, located in the capital city of Cabudare.

In terms of health, he pointed out the application of 3,750 laboratory tests, 5,617 care for the elderly, 188 dental care in days with the mobile clinic and 428 technical aids for a total of 10,004 people from Palavecinas served.

In this sense, he highlighted the importance of having “physical, mental and social health, which will allow us to have a proactive and purposeful citizenship.”

It limited the placement of 780 tons of asphalt, 155 lights on El Palmar, La Mata and Universidad avenues. “Palavecino has been reborn in terms of urban development,” he said.

He estimated the progress in the distribution of domestic gas for each of the three parishes of the municipality, with the activation of the “cayapa plan”, directed by the governor of the Lara state, V/A Adolfo Pereira.

Guedez highlighted the contribution of the Ecosocialism portfolio for the recovery of valves, water pumps and attention to the collapse of sewers in the sectors of Valle Hondo, Terepaima, El Trigal and Los Rastrojos, as a priority.

Likewise, for the works in the Tabure creek and the task of the work in Villa Trapiche, with the correction of sewage cans.

He reported on the review of ordinances, procedure manuals and modernization of municipal management, in order to effectively meet the needs of the population. “It is not as you want, nor when you want to do it, but as the people deserve,” he said.

He denied the privatization of the urban cleaning service and solid waste management, and contrasted the 7 tons of garbage that were collected at the beginning of his administration with the almost 100 tons per day currently collected.

This was possible thanks to the repair of two collection trucks and the dignity of the workers, who wear uniforms and have the necessary work implements.

As challenges of the subsequent days in his administration, he listed the recovery of the Barrio Adentro network, the construction of a comprehensive solid waste system; as well as the improvement of the collection system and the consolidation of the special economic zone, including support for entrepreneurs.

He added that he will continue to hold meetings with the representatives of the Yacambú (Uny), Fermín Toro (Uft), and the central-western Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA) universities for the progress of the population.



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