Mayor of Los Cabos in favor of resuming the project to teach medicine at the UABCS

Los Cabos, Baja California Sur.- Ensuring that health care and the diversification of higher level educational options in the municipality of Los Cabos, are items of great importance for the Municipal Government, the president of the XIV City Council of Los Cabos Profr . Oscar Leggs Castro, stated that the Municipal Administration that he presides over, would support any proposal aimed at teaching a medical degree in Baja California Sur (BCS) and that it be in the municipality of Los Cabos where this career is taught.

The municipe indicated that the Organic Law of the Municipal Government in its article 51 section V establishes as one of the powers and obligations of the City Councils that of promoting and ensuring public health and education in their demarcations, and that in that sense, he sees with good eyes to the voices that ask that the present and future generations of young South Californians can fulfill the dream of studying medicine in their land without having to leave.

“We know that it is a proposal that three state governments have not been able to materialize, but if the current government decides to resume the project so that the Autonomous University teaches this career as analyzed in the State Congress through a proposal; We, as the municipal government, would tell them that this degree be taken in Los Cabos, because here the UABCS has a campus in Cabo San Lucas, and if other types of things are required, the Municipal Administration would support with everything that is at its disposal. scope to crystallize this proposal”, he assured.

He added that on the issue of health, the municipal government has provided -and will continue to do so- all the facilities so that in Los Cabos a Third Level hospital is built by the IMSSS that is already authorized by the federation: “although they are works that It is up to the federal and state government to carry out, as the XIV City Council we contribute in a very committed way in everything we have to contribute”.

To conclude, Mayor Oscar Leggs Castro reiterated that in the case of the opening of new educational options at a professional level, such as a career in medicine, the mayor assured that they are proposals that he has heard from young people, parents and society, not only in Los Cabos but throughout the state, so your Administration would do whatever is necessary to facilitate that this career is taught and studied in the Municipality of Los Cabos.



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