“The changes that we are ready to introduce are not going to be a reform that will remain on paper, but a real tool for self-governing authorities to stand more firmly on their feet, to heal dysfunctions and problems and to mature, for the benefit of all of the citizens”, said the Minister of the Interior, Thodoris Livanios, at the annual conference of the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece held in Rhodes.
The most important changes are:
- The country’s municipal and regional authorities will be elected in a single round. The voter will have the option of choosing a second combination, on the same ballot. In the event that no combination collects 50%+1 votes of the valid votes of the first choice, the first two combinations in votes advance to the second counting phase. The second votes (second choice) of the ballots of the combinations left out of the second phase are added to the votes of the first two combinations. The successful combination will be declared whoever has collected a) during the first phase, 50% + 1 vote of the valid ones of the first choice or b) during the second phase, the most votes between the first two combinations, which include the second votes of of ballots of the combinations excluded from the second phase.
- Optional electronic voting in Municipal and Regional elections.
- Announcing early elections, within the first 3 years of the five-year term, for the remainder of the term.
This possibility can be used if 4/5 of the total number of members of the municipal or regional council and the mayor or regional governor agree.
- Designation of additional candidate advisers without preference cross
Each combination will be able to nominate additional candidates up to:
– 1 candidate in councils with up to 19 members
– 2 candidates in councils with 25 to 39 members
– 3 candidates in councils with 43 members
These candidates are elected only if their combination is declared the winner of the election.
- Creation of a quota for the participation of candidates aged up to 30 years in the self-governing combinations.
- Abolition of the possibility of secondment of elected civil servants due to election.
- Reduction of the number of candidate advisers to up to 50% more than the current 150%.
- Election of municipal councilors uniformly throughout the municipality and not per municipal unit.
- Single parabola of combination. The amount of the tax will be proportional to the population of the municipality or region.
- Elections held on the last Sunday of November.
New system governance
Changes in the system of governance, the statutory position of elected officials, supervision, responsibilities and financial management of local governments.
- Mandatory public consultation for all regulatory acts before they are introduced to the municipal / regional council.
- Exclusive electronic local referendums on matters of municipal competence.
- Establishment of the position of official secretary in municipalities with more than 200,000 inhabitants.
- Increase in the remuneration of mayors and vice-mayors, suspension of the mayor’s professional activity in municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants and mandatory leave for the entire term.
- Abolition of territorial competence of Legality Checkers. Each transaction entered for legality checking will be randomly allocated to a Legality Checker of another territorial jurisdiction. Coordination of the 7 Legality Checkers by the OTA General Legality Supervisor.
- Speeding up the issuance of legality review decisions within 10 days.
- Retention of the Municipal Fee to cover remunerative services and establishment of a Local Development Fee, incorporating into it the Municipal Tax and the Real Estate Fee. The TTA will be freely determined by the municipalities and will be used to cover all types of expenses and investment activities.
- Reinstatement of the preventive audit of the Court of Auditors for warrants over 15,000 euros.
- Establishment of a Municipal Revenue Management Center under the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece, in which all types of certified debts to municipalities will be posted.
- Redistribution of responsibilities between Municipalities, Regions, Decentralized Administrations and the Central State with 3 criteria:
– Local, regional or national nature of the jurisdiction
– Who can exercise it more effectively for the benefit of the citizens
– Presumption of competence by policy bundle.
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#Mayor #regional #governor #Sunday
It looks like you’ve pasted a snippet of JavaScript code that’s responsible for various asynchronous script loading, ad management, and configuration for services like Google AdSense, OneSignal, and Disqus on a webpage. The script appears to be incomplete, with several placeholders and missing URLs.
Here’s a breakdown of the key components:
1. **AdSense Management**: The script detects the presence of Google AdSense slots and potentially removes or processes them.
2. **OneSignal Configuration**: This sets up the OneSignal push notification service using its `appId`.
3. **Disqus Integration**: This segment prepares the configuration for Disqus commenting system and is set to load after a timeout.
4. **Asynchronous Script Loading**: The script makes extensive use of an `asyncLoadScript` function, which presumably loads external scripts asynchronously. The specifics of these functions, such as what URLs or libraries they are loading, are not included in the provided snippet.
5. **Handling External Ad Services**: It seems there are several commented-out sections designed for other ad management services like Taboola/Project Agora, Phaistos Adman, and others.
6. **Delayed Execution**: There are instances where scripts are loaded after a specified delay with `setTimeout`. This technique is often used to ensure that certain conditions are met or elements are present in the DOM before executing the next scripts.
### Suggestions for Completion
To finalize this script, you would:
– Replace all placeholders (e.g., URLs, ids) with actual values pertinent to your implementation.
– Ensure that the `asyncLoadScript` and `asyncLoadModule` functions are correctly defined elsewhere in your JavaScript code, handling the actual loading of scripts.
– Uncomment necessary sections if you intend to use them.
- Validate that the logic is placed correctly to load these scripts in the desired order and only when appropriate.
### Example Completion Snippet
Here’s how you might complete one of the sections (adding a sample URL for AdSense):
// For Google AdSense
if (document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’).length) {
Make sure you check and test the resulting code in your environment to ensure everything functions as intended.