«May my friend Sergio Massa not be vigilant anymore»

2023-10-06 17:34:56

The closing of the 59th IDEA Colloquium was marked by the economic debate. All of the 20 proposals that the business forum prepared this year went through state management and efficiency and competitiveness. In the economic axis, the initiatives focused on the fiscal equation and the need to review the spending structure and the tax matrix.

But the highlight of the day promised to bring Patricia Bullrich’s economic representative, Carlos Melconián, and the vice minister of economy, Gabriel Rubinstein, to the same stage. Finally, Unión por la Patria was absent once more, and Only Patricia Bullrich’s trusted man in economic matters was the one who developed his plan before the businessmen.

The morning began with an extensive and detailed presentation by economist Esteban Domecq, who made a detailed x-ray of public spending, comparing Argentina’s performance with that of the rest of the countries in the region. The photo revealed the certainty that Argentina spends more and spends badly, in terms of efficiency, compared to its neighbors. Next, a panel of specialists from IDEA’s professional staff developed the three proposals around the reform of the pension system, the reduction of energy subsidies, and the review of the efficiency of public companies.

«What are you going to answer with in December, with the Austrian school? “No one understands you”

Melconián in reference to Javier Milei

In turn, Melconián once once more displayed his well-known histrionics, although he took care to technically develop his platform, taking into account that the auditorium was full of businessmen and CEOs. «As a professional economist “What I feel is that they are not coming to give the debate, because they have no proposal.”began his presentation. «In front of us we have a magic pass or a leap into the void» he added.

He indicated that in the ruling party the only one that is put on the table for December 11 is the “arrival plan”, while in the libertarian sector the two emblematic elements in exchange and fiscal matters, such as dollarization and chainsaw, are consistent. «What are you going to answer with in December, with the Austrian school? “No one understands you,” he harangued in reference to Javier Milei.

In reference to Sergio Massa, Bullrich’s candidate for economy minister was visibly upset. In a conference held by the Argentine Chamber of Medium Enterprises (CAME), Massa had said yesterday that Melconián had breakfast at his house and asked him “to take care of the SIRA”, the system by which import authorizations are assigned. .

“May my friend Sergio Massa not be vigilant anymore,” Melconián said out loud. «I asked him exactly the opposite regarding the SIRA. Not only did I tell him that the SIRA is no longer working. But I told him not to deliver more SIRAbecause we are going to go to a complete differentiation between flow and stock of the commercial debt in dollars that he leaves,” he indicated.

The economic representative of Together for Change also referred to the need to reduce public spending, and took care to deny the possibility of cutting 15 points of GDP spending, as proposed by Javier Milei. «This is not a question of hawks and doves. It is understanding where you can enter and where you cannot. There are an infinite number of acquired rights, which are judicially impossible to reverse,” he stated.

«May my friend Sergio Massa not be vigilant anymore. Not only did I tell him that the SIRA is no longer working. But I told him not to deliver more SIRA.”

In reference to Massa’s sayings in CAME.

He indicated that the economic team he leads is working for a reduction of 4 points of the product in spending, but that with the measures that Massa has just taken, two or three more points are beginning to be added. The reference is in relation to Income Tax and the VAT refund. «I have not seen the irresponsibility of the candidate minister in recent weeks in my entire professional life»continued his criticism of Massa.

He also anticipated that there will be a “rational” pension reform, which considers that “behind the numbers there are people.” «They put 4 million beneficiaries into the pension system who never contributed. So We have the paradox of miserable retirements with enormous expenditure in terms of GDP. And all this started with the candidate minister in the ANSES,” he stated.

«With us, the most formidable instrument that Sergio Massa has used to adjust spending ceases: inflation. “He can’t tell the Instituto Patria, but Grabois is already rekindled by this.”

Melconián regarding the inflation tax.

In relation to inflation and how to solve it, Melconián focused on the relationship of the monetary equation with the fiscal deficit. «For there to be order, the treasury must be closed. AND To close the treasury, the emission must be cut. By closing that faucet, the Leliq solution begins simultaneously. The truth is that everything has already been invented,” she said.

When talking regarding dollarization, he lowered the price of the feasibility of its implementation since December, and also disbelieved in the Argentine Digital Currency that Massa plans to launch. «The feasibility of dollarization is zero. “None of those who raise it explained ‘peep peek-a-boo’ what they have,” he said.

«This is not throwing yourself into the STEP and realizing that I came first and now I don’t know what to do. “That’s from a psychiatrist.”

Melconián assured in reference to Javier Milei

He added that «Neither dollarization nor digital currency are going to stabilize. I had to submit to public debate to counteract the idea of ​​dollarization with bimonetarity. But it doesn’t go that way,” she closed.

Finally, when referring to the prospects for the general elections, he suggested that in the libertarian ranks they are disconcerted by the victory in the PASO, and do not have a concrete plan in economic matters. Besides, suggested that Milei has psychiatric problems. «This is not throwing yourself into the STEP and realizing that I came first and now I don’t know what to do. That’s from a psychiatrist. Because we even have a psychiatrist to analyze the candidates.” He said, bordering on controversy.

At the close of his presentation, the businessmen welcomed Melconián with enormous applause. The absence of the opponents left the debate space emptybut at the same time it confirmed the evident sympathy of a large business majority for the ideas of Together for Change.

Indeed, the final words were given by Esteban Bullrich, a well-known representative of Together for Change who suffers from a severe degenerative disease, and he addressed those present using a machine that translated each of his words.

#friend #Sergio #Massa #vigilant #anymore

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