May 30: World MS Day

2023-05-26 07:49:42

World Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Day, which takes place every year on May 30, is an opportunity to raise awareness about this autoimmune disease, which affects 120,000 people in France. Disease generally diagnosed between the ages of 25 and 35, it mainly affects women, with 3 female cases for one male case.

May 30, World MS Day

The world multiple sclerosis day (MS) is piloted at the global level by the International Federation of MS, and at the level of each country by actors involved with patients with MS, such as the French League against Multiple Sclerosis. The objective of this day is to inform on this autoimmune disease and of raise awareness of the daily lives of patients with MS.

On this occasion, the French League against multiple sclerosis organizes throughout the month of May different events for all interested parties:

  • A webinar on MS on May 30 with two conferences, one on the latest treatments available for MS and the other on the implementation of a new program dedicated to caregivers of patients with MS;
  • Web conferences organized throughout the day of May 30, with the intervention of professionals specialized in the care and support of people with MS.

Interested persons are advised to register in advance, either by scanning the LFSEP JMSEP 2023 Webinar Registration QR code, or by following the link:

MS, an autoimmune disease that affects 120,000 people in France

At the same time, various events will be organized in the regions, particularly in Hauts-de-France and Pays de la Loire. In the Ardennes, the focus will be on the adapted horse-riding activity which organizes the “MS in the saddle” event. Finally, the campaign “Kiss Goodbye to MS” – a goodbye kiss to Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is renewed this year for the whole month of May. This is an international fundraiser to support research on the disease.

Multiple sclerosis (often simply referred to as MS) is an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. The patient’s immune system, following a malfunction, produces antibodies that target, not external pathogens, but the myelin, the sheath that surrounds certain nerve fibers of the central nervous system. Without myelin, the nerve fibers are left unprotected and the transmission of nerve impulses is disrupted.

Actors mobilized to advance MS research

Leading cause of severe non-traumatic disability in young adults, MS affects young people at the start of adulthood, sometimes even children, and has a strong impact on their personal, family and professional lives. Thanks to advances in research, the causes of the disease are better understood and new treatments have emerged. Multidisciplinary management and the patient care pathway have also been defined and optimized to improve the quality of life of patients and their families.

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To go even further, the research efforts must continue, in France and around the world. In France, a few major players contribute to advancing knowledge on multiple sclerosis, among others:

  • OFSEP, the French MS Observatorywhich allows the routine collection of all clinical, biological and radiological data from a cohort of 80,000 patients with MS.
  • The Francophone MS Society, the SF-SEP, which constitutes a network of healthcare professionals engaged in clinical research on MS. In particular, it issues practical recommendations for all professionals involved in the daily care of patients.
  • The FCRIN4MSwhich has been coordinating clinical and industrial research on MS at the national level since 2018. This structure facilitates and accelerates the launch and monitoring of clinical trials on MS.

All of these players are working to better understand MS and develop more effective treatments to improve the daily lives of patients.

Estelle B., Doctor of Pharmacy


#World #Day

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