May 16 political news

Jean Castex speaks for the handover: “I will, of course, continue to serve our country”

“Madam Prime Minister, dear Elisabeth”begins by declaring Jean Castex in the courtyard of the Hôtel de Matignon. “I would like to express my gratitude following these months which, since July 2020, have led me to head the government”continues Mr. Castex before evoking the moments “difficult, painful” experienced during the health crisis. Mr. Castex thanks Emmanuel Macron for allowing him to ” to serve [s]on pays », then “the people of France” for his “resilience and solidarity he expressed”according to him, since the start of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Mr. Castex would like to particularly greet the caregivers, from the sector “public as well as private”to which he assures “the infinite gratitude of the nation”. The former mayor of Prades then expresses his « reconnaissance » by parliamentary majority, which “has always been faithful and of great loyalty”. Mr. Castex then mentions the terrorist attacks that occurred during his presence at Matignon.

“The French people are a demanding people, I know it, they take nothing at face value, I know it: they weigh everything. But he knows how to cope, he is a great people, a political people.also said Mr. Castex, warning Terminal of the criticisms which do not fail to be addressed to the occupant of the hotel of Matignon. ” Nobody is perfect “he notes, advising him to keep in mind these “millions and millions of fellow citizens who are never or very little heard from and who are there”.

“I trust, dear Elisabeth, first of all, in you”then launches Mr. Castex, observing in stride: “Since July 2020, I have been able, I want to tell the nation, to observe your immense qualities of righteousness, integrity, competence, voluntarism. » Mr. Castex then states:

I will be as much, I wish, by your side, my dear Elisabeth. As I said and announced, as far as I am concerned, I will take a step aside by leaving national political life, in which I finally entered only a little by breaking and entering in July 2020. I will continue, of course , to serve our country. There are so many ways to serve your country, when you love it, outside of politics.

Finally, Mr Castex wishes ” good luck “ to France, and ends: “I wish the best, because I’m sure we can do it. »



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