Máximo Kirchner: “Massa and Kicillof can promote the daunting task of moving Argentina forward”

2023-06-27 05:05:00

The national deputy and president of the PJ Buenos Aires, maximum kirchnerassured this Monday June 26 that Sergio Massa and Axel Kicillof “they can promote the enormous and titanic task of taking Argentina forward” from the Nation and the Province.

When participating in an act in Lomas de Zamora together with Massa, Kicillof, Edward “Wado” Of Peter and Martin Insaurraldethe first on the list of candidates for deputies for Buenos Aires said: “We need union for the homeland and dignity to generate a just, free and sovereign nation”.

Union for the Fatherland.

By taking the microphone, the legislator thanked De Pedro for getting out of his presidential candidacy to prioritize the unity of the official front.

In addition, he maintained that the situation in Argentina “is not easy”, but -according to what he said- “you can turn the tables” and that demonstrates the “strength, will and speaks of the resistance of our people.

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“Sergio and Axel can promote the enormous and titanic task of taking Argentina forward,” said the national deputy in this regard.

For Máximo Kirchner, the national and popular movement must have “a union for Argentine families, a union for the neighborhoods, a union to defend the value of natural resources, a union for the workers and a union for the homeland and dignity to generate a just nation, free and sovereign.”

What Máximo Kirchner said about the tense closing of lists

After the act, in statements to the press, he referred to the closure of lists and admitted that “there is always a little tension“.

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“Just when I named him, I almost got excited. He is a very capable man. A great companion. He went out for a walk, to tour, with full convictions,” he emphasized when speaking of the Interior Minister.


#Máximo #Kirchner #Massa #Kicillof #promote #daunting #task #moving #Argentina

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