Maximizing Your Benefits: A Household Guide to the Climate Bonus

2024-09-16 05:41:17

· Heating with a heat pump is worthwhile in the short and long term

Austrians are currently receiving a climate bonus of up to 290 euros. The money comes from the revenue from the CO2 price on petrol, heating oil or gas. Consumers with climate-friendly heat pump heating systems keep more of the lump sum climate money in their household budgets because they save on CO2 costs.

“Those who heat with heat pump technology cause little to no CO2 emissions, depending on the electricity mix,” says Thomas Mader, managing director of the home and system technology manufacturer Stiebel Eltron Austria. “This means that private households no longer have to pay CO2 costs, which are deducted from the climate bonus for operators of oil and gas heating systems. An important reason to initiate the heat transition now: CO2 prices will rise.”

Rising CO2 prices – polluter pays principle

The current price of CO2 in Austria is 45 euros per ton. In order to advance the energy transition, the price is to rise to 55 euros in 2025. In principle, Austrians welcome the underlying principle that those responsible pay for their CO2 emissions. According to the “Energy Trend Monitor 2024” survey, 66 percent consider this measure to be important in order to advance the energy transition.

Households worry about the costs of the energy transition

That’s the basic view. When asked about the personal energy transition and the willingness to pay for one’s own emissions, however, the approval rate drops to 37 percent. “Austrians support the goals of the energy transition, but at the same time are worried about the costs associated with it – that’s what our survey shows,” says Mader. In order to support households financially, people are therefore getting the CO2 costs back as climate money. The state is also helping with the switch to climate-friendly technology in the boiler room: private households receive around 75 percent of funding for this.

Heat pump cheaper in the long term than gas heating

In addition to the initial investment in new building technology, the costs over the life cycle play a role. Researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems have calculated that the heat pump is more cost-effective than gas heating over a period of 20 years, without taking the Austrian subsidy models into account. The future CO2 price is particularly relevant in the evaluation.

“To save costs in the long term, now is the time to act,” says Mader. “Replacing old fossil heating systems is an important lever for households that offers benefits for the climate and the household budget.”

Funding opportunities

Consumers can find information on funding opportunities for heat pump heating systems and technical advice online at:

Funding for your heat pump (


As an innovation-driven family business, Stiebel Eltron stands for innovative solutions in the areas of hot water, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. The home and system technology provider follows a clear line – for environmentally friendly, efficient and comfortable home technology. With around 5,000 employees worldwide, the group, headquartered in Holzminden/DE, consistently relies on its own know-how from product development to production. The Austrian branch Stiebel Eltron Gesellschaft mbH in Hörsching near Linz is the oldest subsidiary of the group – it was founded in 1972 and is one of the leading distributors of heat pumps and ventilation systems in the country.

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What are the ⁢long-term financial benefits of using a heat pump ⁣for heating?

Heating ⁢with⁢ a Heat ​Pump: A⁤ Worthwhile Investment for the ⁣Short and Long​ Term

As ⁣the world⁢ grapples with the challenges of climate change, individuals and households ⁢are looking ⁣for⁢ ways to reduce their carbon footprint while⁣ also saving‌ on energy‌ costs. In Austria, the government ⁤has introduced a ‍climate bonus to encourage the adoption of ‌climate-friendly technologies, including heat​ pumps. In ⁤this article, we’ll explore why heating‌ with⁢ a heat⁢ pump is a worthwhile investment⁤ in the short and long term.

The Climate ⁢Bonus: A Financial‌ Incentive

Austrian residents are currently receiving a climate bonus⁣ of up to⁣ €290, which is funded by revenue from the ​CO2​ price‍ on petrol, heating oil, and gas. However,‍ households with climate-friendly heat ⁣pump ‌heating⁤ systems benefit more from this lump sum as they save on CO2 costs.⁢ According to Thomas Mader, Managing Director of Stiebel Eltron Austria, “Those who​ heat ​with heat pump technology cause little to no ⁣CO2 emissions, depending on the electricity mix. This means that private households no longer have to pay CO2 costs,⁣ which are deducted from the climate bonus for operators of oil and gas heating⁣ systems.”

Rising CO2 Prices: The Polluter Pays Principle

The ‌current CO2 ⁤price in Austria‌ is €45 per ton, but this is set to rise to €55 ​in 2025. The principle behind this policy is that those ​responsible for ‌CO2 emissions ⁤should pay for them, and​ according to the “Energy Trend Monitor 2024″‌ survey, 66%⁤ of Austrians support this measure to advance the energy transition.

Households’‌ Concerns About Energy Transition Costs

While there⁢ is broad support for⁣ the energy ⁣transition, households are worried about ​the⁤ costs ⁢associated with ‍it. The same‌ survey found ⁣that ​only 37% of respondents were willing to​ pay for their own CO2 emissions. To alleviate these concerns, the government is providing financial support to households that switch‌ to climate-friendly technologies, with funding of up to 75% of ⁤the costs.

Heat Pumps: ⁢A ‍Cost-Effective Option in the Long Term

While the initial investment in a heat pump may seem daunting, researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute‌ for Solar Energy⁤ Systems have found‍ that ​heat pumps are more cost-effective than gas heating over a⁣ period ‌of 20‌ years, ⁣even ⁤without considering Austrian subsidy models. The future CO2 price plays a significant role in this evaluation, making heat pumps a more attractive option ​in the long term.

Funding Opportunities and Technical Advice

For​ consumers looking to switch ⁢to​ a heat pump, there are various funding opportunities available. Stiebel Eltron, a leading manufacturer of ​heating ​and hot water systems, provides information on funding opportunities ‌and technical​ advice on ‌their website.


Heating​ with a heat pump is a worthwhile investment​ for both the short‍ and ⁢long term. Not only do households save on CO2⁤ costs and benefit from the climate bonus, ⁤but they also reduce ‌their ‍carbon ⁣footprint and‌ energy costs in‍ the long run. With government funding and⁤ technical support ⁤available, now⁢ is the time ‍to act‌ and make the switch to climate-friendly heating technology.

About Stiebel Eltron

Stiebel ‍Eltron ‌is‍ an innovation-driven family ⁢business that⁢ has been ⁤providing innovative solutions ⁣in ​the⁤ areas‍ of hot water, heating, ventilation, and cooling⁣ for over 90⁣ years. ​With⁢ a focus on sustainability and energy efficiency, Stiebel ⁢Eltron is ​a leading ⁣manufacturer ‍of heating and hot water systems in Austria ⁣and beyond.

SEO Keywords: heat‍ pump, climate bonus, CO2 price, energy transition, heating systems, sustainability, energy efficiency, ‌Stiebel Eltron, Austria.

– What are the long-term cost benefits of using a heat pump for heating?

Why Heating with a Heat Pump is a Worthwhile Investment in the Short and Long Term

As the world grapples with the challenges of climate change, reducing carbon emissions has become a top priority. In Austria, the government has introduced a climate bonus of up to €290 to encourage citizens to adopt climate-friendly heating systems. One of the most effective ways to reduce CO2 emissions is by using heat pump technology, which not only benefits the environment but also saves households money in the long run.

The Climate Bonus: A Reward for Climate-Friendly Heating

The climate bonus is a welcome initiative that rewards households for adopting environmentally friendly heating systems. The bonus is funded by revenue generated from CO2 pricing on petrol, heating oil, and gas. Households that use heat pump technology can keep more of the lump sum climate money, as they save on CO2 costs.

Heat Pumps: A Clean and Efficient Heating Solution

According to Thomas Mader, Managing Director of Stiebel Eltron Austria, “Those who heat with heat pump technology cause little to no CO2 emissions, depending on the electricity mix.” This means that private households no longer have to pay CO2 costs, which are deducted from the climate bonus for operators of oil and gas heating systems. With CO2 prices set to rise in the future, now is the perfect time to initiate the heat transition.

Rising CO2 Prices: The Polluter Pays Principle

The current CO2 price in Austria is €45 per ton, but this is set to increase to €55 per ton in 2025. This price hike is designed to accelerate the energy transition and encourage households to switch to climate-friendly heating systems. In principle, Austrians support the idea that those responsible for CO2 emissions should pay for their impact on the environment.

Households Worry About Energy Transition Costs

While Austrians are generally supportive of the energy transition, many households are concerned about the associated costs. To alleviate these concerns, the government is providing financial support to households that switch to climate-friendly technology. Private households can receive up to 75% of funding for heat pump systems.

Heat Pumps: A Cost-Effective Solution in the Long Term

In addition to the initial investment, the costs over the life cycle of a heating system are a crucial consideration. Researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems have found that heat pumps are more cost-effective than gas heating over a 20-year period, even without considering Austrian subsidy models. The future CO2 price is a critical factor in this evaluation.

Funding Opportunities for Heat Pump Systems

Households can access funding opportunities for heat pump heating systems and technical advice online at Stiebel Eltron’s website.

About Stiebel Eltron

Stiebel Eltron is an innovation-driven family business that specializes in hot water, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning solutions. With a focus on environmentally friendly, efficient, and comfortable home technology, the company is committed to supporting households in their transition to climate-friendly heating systems.

heating with a heat pump is a worthwhile investment in both the short and long term. With the climate bonus, rising CO2 prices, and funding opportunities, households can save money while also reducing their carbon footprint. By switching to heat pump technology, households can play a critical role in advancing the energy transition and creating a more sustainable future.

Optimized Keywords:

Heat pump

Climate bonus

CO2 prices

Energy transition

Climate-friendly heating systems

Stiebel Eltron

Funding opportunities

Long-term savings

* Sustainable future



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