Maximizing Results: The Benefits and Techniques of Plyometric Exercises for Power, Speed, and Strength

2023-08-05 19:32:12
Performing plyometric exercises helps develop power, speed and strength in the lower limbs (Getty)

As in other disciplines, much progress has been made in recent times in the study and knowledge of the benefits of physical activity on health. Likewise, new disciplines emerged —or some already existing ones were updated— in order to attract more followers to the exercise, who benefit from all its benefits.

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The truth is that the movement is innate to the human being, and its opposite, sedentary lifestyle, brings with it metabolic diseases, bone problems, obesity, premature aging, among other consequences, and that is the reason why all people should add a share of physical activity in their lives.

Thus, given so many classes, gyms, trainers on social networks, etc., it is to be expected that someone engages in an activity that is not indicated for their physical condition and training.

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Plyometric exercises are a popular type of training, which although it has multiple benefits, it is convenient to know before starting its practice, which by the way, should always be supervised to avoid injuries.

Incorporating plyometrics into your training routine is a great way to maximize results (Getty)

“Plyometrics is a form of training that uses the cycle of stretching and shortening, making the muscles apply the greatest possible force in the shortest time. They help activate the central nervous system by stimulating fast-twitch muscle fibers.” This is how the national physical education teacher and graduate in High Performance Sports Lucas Abadie began to explain to Infobae.

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And following explaining that it is an exercise that consists of three phases, he deepened: “An eccentric pre-stretching stage, where we store mechanical or elastic energy during muscle stretching, followed by a rebound time, in which the impulse is obtained to carry out an explosive exercise and finally a concentric phase, in which all the energy stored in the first phase is released”. “In other words, they are those exercises that involve quick and short movements, ranging from deceleration to acceleration and from stretching to shortening of the muscle,” he added.

In turn, the national physical education teacher and fitness specialist Francisco Ozores explained that “plyometrics is a type of power-oriented training, in which the purpose of the exercises is to go from a deceleration force to a force of contraction, very explosive and powerful acceleration because power is precisely worked”.

Plyometric exercises are characterized by a very explosive and powerful acceleration, therefore if you do not have these qualities, the exercise does not make sense

Asked regarding the benefit of short and intense bursts of activity, Claudia Lescano, who is a Physical Education teacher and graduate in High Performance Sports and the author of the first training system to optimize the functioning of the metabolism, opined that “performing exercises plyometrics helps develop power, speed and strength in the lower limbs.

And following assuring that “examples of this type of training are all the jumps with all the variations that can be done and that athletes especially benefit from this practice since it helps them respond to the demands of the chosen sport,” he added: ” These exercises provide multiple benefits for our health, such as increased bone density, favor the venous return system, increase the strength of the lower limbs, provide greater stability, favor lipolysis, increase VO2 Max (that is, the capacity of the heart and lungs to absorb oxygen and convert it into energy) and improve insulin sensitivity.

Lescano advised once morest these exercises in people with osteoarticular and ligamentous pathologies in the hip, knee or ankle, as well as in those who suffer from urinary incontinence due to weakened pelvic floor muscles (Getty).

— Abadie: Although his practice is much better known in high performance, the improvements will be experienced by all who dare to perform it.

It is a myth that only athletes can practice it. Plyometrics has different levels that adapt to the abilities of each individual. Although it is true that it is important to start with basic exercises and gradually increase the difficulty as the body adapts to the movements. If you work progressively there will be no difficulties.

In addition, by not requiring specific equipment, it makes it accessible to the majority of people. Incorporating plyometrics into your training routine is a great way to maximize results.

Regarding contraindications, it is important to know that if you do not have strict control in the proper technique, the repetitive impact can cause stress in the joints. However, do not be scared, all the exercises require a good technique to avoid major inconveniences.

Stretching is an essential step in any training routine (Getty)

— Ozores: As said, plyometric exercises are characterized by a very explosive and powerful acceleration, therefore if you do not have these qualities, the exercise does not make sense, and the truth is that to work on power through deceleration, which can be a fall from a bench, for example, and then immediately impact and jump as high as possible – which by definition would be a pure plyometric exercise – you have to have a certain amount of joint capacity, coordination and moderately trained strength, with which are not exercises for beginners, nor for overweight people.

Nor would I recommend it, even in athletes who are not used to working on these types of movements, since the fact that they do another activity does not mean that they are prepared to work on power.

To recommend any physical activity, the number one tip is that it be functional to what the person does in their daily life. Thus, if someone is an athlete and plays tennis, the physical activity has to be oriented towards the mobility of tennis, because it is what will prevent injuries or enhance performance in that activity. The same if someone plays soccer, does fitness, is sedentary or seeks to work on posture, they should look for training that enhances their activity because it is what will prevent injuries or combat them.

Thus, an elderly person must work to develop balance in order to avoid falls, and if there are any, they must be as less harmful as possible, that is working on functionality.

In my view, if you don’t do a power sport specifically, plyometrics has no functionality. Although it should be noted that the power, the increase in the explosion, the fact that they are short-term exercises, etc. generates metabolic activation which helps burn fat.

The so-called plyometric exercises are those that involve quick and short movements, and include acceleration and stretching and shortening of the muscle (Getty)

Abadie listed some plyometric exercises for athletes:

– Push-ups with clap

– Lunges with applause

– box jumps

– Burpees

– Jump squats

The step is an element that can be added to perform plyometric exercises (Getty)

And also some for beginning practitioners:

– On a line would imagine jumping forwards and backwards

– Maximum speed tapping

– Coordination ladder exercises

– Lateralizations with step

About the end, Lescano shared an example of a plyometric exercise that he does in his classes.

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