Maximizing Productivity in Eve Online: Excel Integration Unleashes Powerful Tracking and Insights

2023-06-22 13:37:49

Eve Online has added Excel support, allowing players to keep spreadsheets to track their progress. They will be able to better increase productivity, streamline the movement of goods, and gain critical insights into their company, among many other features, through Microsoft Excel. In the Eve Online community, people often joke that the game is one of spreadsheets, and now CCP Games has taken that literally. In a statement regarding the Microsoft Excel implementation, Bergur Finnbogason, Eve Online’s creative director, said, “Working with Microsoft to provide EVE players with direct access to Excel’s best-in-class spreadsheet software tool has been both a very enjoyable experience and a great one.” A natural fit, it should come as no surprise to our two companies and the data lovers in our respective communities. Our players continue to encourage us to explore more ways to make EVE approachable. Advanced EVE players are known to use Spreadsheets serve as data management tools, so the Excel add-in is a critical step in making that happen. No matter your role, skill level, or status in New Eden, the power of this add-in is at your fingertips.
#Eve #Online #adds #Excel #support

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