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Social media giant Facebook has capped its bug bounty program for those reporting security flaws on its website.

According to foreign media, Facebook has announced in one of its posts that it is willing to expand its program. It says that the organization will allow participants in the Big Bounty program to observe security flaws instead of third parties. With this announcement, instead of watching the testing from a distance, researchers will now be able to be active in testing the app together with the app developers.

In a statement, Facebook’s security engineer Dan Griffinkel said that this change will broaden the scope of the Big Bounty process, allowing the Big Bounty community to share platform vulnerabilities with us after researching them and asking us to fix them. White hat hackers who report even the tiniest flaw in Facebook’s security will be rewarded with a minimum of $500, with an unspecified maximum. .

A foreign website says that Facebook gave the highest reward of 50,000 dollars so far. On the other hand, Apple has set a reward of 1 million US dollars for this program showing the flaw in its security system. Buck said in this regard that he will release the reward money based on the impact of each legitimate report and other factors identified by the technical team, which is at least 500 US dollars.

The company also says that it will now give a bonus prize of up to $15,000 and these amounts will be added to the original prize money. It should be noted that this program was offered by Facebook to stretch its resources. is to identify security flaws and close them. This program is now offered by almost every major company in the world, such as Google, Apple and Amazon, etc. It should be noted that Google also announced in July of this year that those who find security flaws This prize money was increased from 15 thousand dollars to 30 thousand dollars. However, now Facebook has become the first company in the world to increase the prize money of the Big Bounty program to an unlimited extent.

#Facebook #shower #dollars #wait #Details #news
2024-09-13 09:15:04

Facebook bug bounty⁤ reward

Facebook’s Bug Bounty Program: A Comprehensive Overview

Social media giant Facebook has recently made significant ⁢changes to its⁢ bug bounty​ program,⁢ aimed at incentivizing security researchers to report vulnerabilities on ‍its website. According to Facebook’s security engineer, Dan Griffinkel, this change will⁢ broaden the scope of the bug bounty process, allowing researchers to share ⁢platform vulnerabilities with the⁢ company after researching them and asking them to fix them [[3]].

The ⁢Evolution of Facebook’s Bug Bounty ‌Program

Facebook’s bug‍ bounty program has been ⁣in place for several years, and it has been instrumental in helping the ⁣company identify and fix security‌ flaws on its platform. The program allows security researchers,​ also known as white-hat ⁣hackers, to report vulnerabilities in exchange for a reward. ⁤Facebook has been​ willing ‌to pay a minimum ⁣of $500 for each legitimate report, with an unspecified maximum [[1]].

The Highest Rewards

Facebook has paid out⁢ significant rewards to security researchers who have reported critical vulnerabilities on its platform. According to a foreign website, Facebook has paid out ‌a‌ highest reward of $50,000 so far. This is dwarfed by Apple’s​ bug​ bounty program, which offers a ‍reward of up to $1 million for identifying critical security flaws in its system [[2]].

The Bonus ⁤Prize

In addition to the minimum reward‌ of $500, Facebook is also offering a ​bonus⁤ prize of up to $15,000 for certain types of vulnerabilities. This bonus prize​ will be added to the​ original reward money, making it an even more attractive proposition for ⁢security researchers.

How the Program Works

Facebook’s bug ​bounty⁤ program ⁣is open to security researchers ​from all over the world. Researchers⁤ can report vulnerabilities on Facebook’s website, and‌ the company’s technical team will review and verify the reports. Based on the impact of each legitimate report, the technical team will determine the reward amount, which is at least ​$500.

The Benefits of the Program

Facebook’s bug bounty program has ‌several benefits. It allows the company to identify and fix security vulnerabilities before they can be ⁢exploited by‌ malicious actors.‌ It also provides an opportunity⁣ for⁢ security researchers to earn money by doing what they⁤ do best‌ – identifying and reporting security⁣ flaws.


Facebook’s bug bounty program is⁣ an important ‍initiative that helps the company ensure the security of its platform. By incentivizing‍ security researchers to⁣ report vulnerabilities,⁣ Facebook is able to identify and fix ⁢flaws before they can be‍ exploited. With the recent changes to the program,​ Facebook is offering⁣ even more attractive rewards to security researchers, making ‍it​ an even more ⁤attractive proposition for those who want to make a difference in the world of cybersecurity.





Facebook bug bounty reward

Facebook’s Bug Bounty Program: A Comprehensive Overview

Social media giant Facebook has recently made significant changes to its bug bounty program, aimed at incentivizing security researchers to report vulnerabilities on its website. According to Facebook’s security engineer, Dan Griffinkel, this change will broaden the scope of the bug bounty process, allowing researchers to share platform vulnerabilities with the company after researching them and asking them to fix them [[3]].

The Evolution of Facebook’s Bug Bounty Program

Facebook’s bug bounty program has been in place for several years, and it has been instrumental in helping the company identify and fix security flaws on its platform. The program allows security researchers, also known as white-hat hackers, to report vulnerabilities in exchange for a reward. Facebook has been willing to pay a minimum of $500 for each legitimate report, with an unspecified maximum [[1]].

The Highest Rewards

Facebook has paid out significant rewards to security researchers who have reported critical vulnerabilities on its platform. According to a foreign website, Facebook has paid out a highest reward of $50,000 so far. This is dwarfed by Apple’s bug bounty program, which offers a reward of up to $1 million for identifying critical security flaws in its system [[2]].

The Bonus Prize

In addition to the minimum reward of $500, Facebook is also offering a bonus prize of up to $15,000 for certain types of vulnerabilities. This bonus prize will be added to the original reward money, making it an even more attractive proposition for security researchers.

How the Program Works

Facebook’s bug bounty program is open to security researchers from all over the world. Researchers can report vulnerabilities on Facebook’s website, and the company’s technical team will review and verify the reports. Based on the impact of each legitimate report, the technical team will determine the reward amount, which is at least $500.

The Benefits of the Program

Facebook’s bug bounty program has several benefits. It allows the company to identify and fix security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors. It also provides an opportunity for security researchers to earn money by doing what they do best – identifying and reporting security flaws.


Facebook’s bug bounty program is an important initiative that helps the company ensure the security of its platform. By incentivizing security researchers to report vulnerabilities, Facebook is able to identify and fix flaws before they can be exploited. With the recent changes to the program, Facebook is offering even more attractive rewards to security researchers, making it an even more attractive proposition for those who want to contribute to the security of the platform.

In addition, Facebook’s bug bounty program is part of a larger trend in the tech industry,



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