Max Sentence Requested for Jean-Marc Reiser: The Murder of Sophie Le Tan – Comprehensive Analysis and Evidence

2023-06-28 12:56:00

The Advocate General requested Wednesday before the Haut-Rhin Assize Court the maximum sentence against Jean-Marc Reiser, accused of having murdered Sophie Le Tan in 2018. The dismembered body of the young student was found in the forest in 2019.

For two and a half hours, the Advocate General undermined the thesis of blows having caused death without the intention of giving it, supported by the defense (illustration image).


“My intimate conviction, supported by the elements of the file, is that there was indeed homicidal intent and premeditation”, maintained the magistrate, Jean-Luc Jaeg. He challenged for two and a half hours the thesis of blows having caused death without intention to give it, supported by the defense, to demonstrate in a rigorous manner the “criminal intention” of the accused.

Mr. Reiser, 62, had been sentenced to life imprisonment with 22 years of security at first instance. “This file reminds me of the title of a fable by Jean de la Fontaine, ‘The wolf and the lamb’”, explained Mr. Jaeg at the start of his argument. “The lamb is Sophie Le Tan”, he continues, describing a “deserving girl”, “kind, benevolent, faithful”, who had “the whole future” ahead of her.

“As for the wolf, it’s Jean-Marc Reiser. When the investigators identified him, we can guess that a shiver of horror went through them, ”he imagines. And to detail the heavy criminal record of the accused, “recidivist criminal with an appetite for narcotics”, and to recall his previous conviction by an assize court, in 2003, for rape and sexual assault.

Attraction to Asian women

In his relationships with women, Jean-Marc Reiser has always been “a violent, dominating, harassing man” even “tyrannical”, argues the Advocate General, referring to the testimonies of ex-companions who have succeeded each other at the bar.

He dismantles the accused’s travel plan, supported by “no concrete evidence”, which would provide him with a reason to sublet his apartment. On the contrary, the classified ads posted under false names on the LeBonCoin site had no other purpose than to attract a student to the apartment, “with the intention that we cannot trace him”.

Jean-Marc Reiser thus sets “11 successive meetings” with potential tenants, at an imprecise address, near his building. The first ten appointments will not be honoured, sometimes because of the students, often because of the accused, who, when the time comes, no longer responds to requests.

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“But for Sophie Le Tan, it matched,” remarks Jean-Luc Jaeg. “She had a double quality. She was alone and she was Asian”, he underlines, in reference to the “attractions” of the accused. “It’s the perfect prey for him.”

“Chilled, Organized Killer”

For the Advocate General, Jean-Marc Reiser, after having “satisfied a twisted or perverse fantasy” about the young 20-year-old student, could not afford to let her go, after having taken “such a luxury of precautions” not to not leave traces to lure him into a “trap”. So, “the wolf sacrificed the lamb”.

At the end of the precise and reasoned presentation, the magistrate does not dwell particularly on the dismemberment of the body, “horrible particularity”, or on the “extremely thorough cleaning” of the apartment, if not for believe that this reinforces the premeditated nature of the crime, committed by a “cold, organized killer”.

“I will therefore ask you to declare Jean-Marc Reiser guilty of murder, as a legal recidivism”, he concludes. He requires life imprisonment, taking care to emphasize the accused’s “total lack of remorse”, his “dangerousness” and the “risk of recidivism” for the man who has been facing Colmar for 10 days. at its sixth court of assizes.

He ends with a more personal remark. “The sentence pronounced at first instance”, life with a security period of 22 years, was “heavy, but justified”, he says. This appeal trial “will have been of no use or very little, except to prolong or rekindle the suffering of the Le Tan family”.


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