Mauritanian President receives Staffan de Mistura

According to the Spanish news agency EFE, citing diplomatic sources, Staffan de Mistura landed in the Mauritanian capital on Sunday (September 11th) after visiting the Tindouf and Algiers camps. The personal envoy made no statement after his meeting with Mauritanian President Ould Ghazouani.

The Mauritanian diplomatic source quoted EFE said that the discussions focused on the results of the visits of the UN envoy to the region and on the role of Nouakchott in relaunching the political process.

The same source added that Mauritania, which officially recognizes the “Sahrawi State”, recalled during the meeting its “neutral” position in the conflict.

As a reminder, De Mistura, who was appointed to his post in October 2021, traveled to Rabat last July.

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