Maud Bregeon, a media “puncher” at the government spokesperson’s office

PORTRAIT – A former spokesperson for the presidential party, the Hauts-de-Seine MP has been defending the executive’s actions on television sets for four years.

Her face is not unknown to the continuous news channels. A member of parliament since 2022, the Macronist Maud Bregron, 33, has become the new spokesperson in the Barnier government. A role that had already escaped her during the two previous reshuffles. Especially in January, when the position was taken by her Parisian colleague Prisca Thévenot in Gabriel Attal’s team. Responsible for carrying the message of the presidential party since 2020, Maud Bregeon has carved out a reputation as a media “puncher” by running around television sets. Covid, pension reform, immigration law… In four years, the Macronist has trained herself to defend the action of the executive. Whatever the political atmosphere.

A remarkable pugnacity which led her to be invested two years ago in the 13th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine (Antony, Bourg-la-Reine, Châtenay-Malabry and Sceaux), a traditionally right-wing area of ​​which Patrick Devedjian was the representative in 1988…

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