Mature messenger RNA vaccines against certain types of cancer

Messenger RNA vaccines show encouraging results against certain types of cancer. Reimbursement for this type of treatment could see the light of day in the coming years in Switzerland, according to Solange Peters, head of the medical oncology department at the CHUV.

‘For the first time in a disease that we know well, which is melanoma, one of these vaccines produced by Moderna and Merck is showing broad benefits’, assures the doctor at the microphone of RTS on Tuesday morning. The risk of recurrence is significantly reduced after melanoma surgery with the use of this vaccine, according to a mid-term study.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States gave early authorization to use this treatment, says Solange Peters. In Switzerland, vaccine tests are carried out in all five hospitals in the country, she adds. ‘When will we get a refund in Europe and Switzerland? We still have to wait a few years but not 20 years. We are talking about the years that will probably come’, still assures the oncologist.


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