📡 Dark matter finally explained by these super-charged black holes?

2024-06-26 06:00:04

To understand the enigma of dark matter, we must delve into the mysteries of the early Universe. What if tiny, supercharged black holes, formed just after the Big Bang, were the key?

Fifty years ago, Stephen Hawking suggested that dark matter might be made up of primordial black holes, small and formed very early after the Big BangUnlike the giant black holes we know, these black holes would be microscopic and extremely dense.

Now, MIT researchers have discovered that these early black holes may have also spawned even smaller black holes with a unique property called “color charge.” These tiny black holes, formed within a fraction of a second after the Big Bang, may have influenced the formation of the first atomic nuclei.

These “super-charged” black holes would have quickly evaporated, but not before disturbing the balance necessary for the formation of the first atoms. This influence could be detected through future astronomical observations, offering a new lead to understand the primordial black holes announced by Stephen Hawking, and therefore the matter noire.

David Kaiser and Elba Alonso-Monsalve of MIT suggest that these small black holes, interacting with the primordial soup of quarks and gluons, absorbed a large amount of “color charges.” These charges then affected the creation of the first chemical elements.

Their work, published in Physical Review Lettersthus propose a bold explanation: these tiny black holes could explain all of today’s dark matter. This underlines the importance of these first moments of theUniverse to understand its current composition.

#Dark #matter #finally #explained #supercharged #black #holes



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