Mathira Reveals Surprising Truths About Her Sons

Pakistani model and host Mathira has revealed that she pays her three sons for household chores.

According to media reports, in August 2014, Mathira was tied the knot with Punjabi singer Flint Jay, but the two got divorced in 2018.

In a recent interview, Mathira talked about the upbringing of her sons, in which she also spoke about the negative attitudes adopted in the society towards raising children.

Regarding the training of sons, Mathira said that mother’s attitude gets rich in the children’s personality, this attitude is transferred not only to girls but also to boys.

He said that I have 3 sons, the eldest son is 16 years old, for children of this age, I tell every parent to ignore teenage children and their mistakes because children at this age Space is needed, a teenage child’s mind is not in control, so children tend to fight.

Mathira said that one of my sons washes the dishes in the house so he gets money every month for this work which my sister gives, one son cooks breakfast and one son cleans the cabinets in the house so I pay him. When children get money for these works, they realize the importance of these works, second and most important thing, thus sons also get used to doing housework.

He said that I do not teach my sons anything about the responsibility of the house or the children, but I must keep the bills of the household expenses in front of them so that they can also understand the cost of each item. In children, feelings arise.

#Mathiras #big #revelation #sons
2024-09-12 18:11:22

Here are ⁣some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions ​based on Mathira’s unconventional approach to raising her⁣ sons by⁢ paying them for⁤ household chores:

Pakistani Model and Host Mathira’s Unconventional Approach to Raising Sons: Paying Them for Household Chores

In a recent ​interview, Pakistani model​ and ​host Mathira revealed ⁢that she pays her three sons for doing household chores, a decision that has sparked interest and debate⁣ among‍ parents and caregivers. Mathira, who has been open about her personal life, including her marriage⁢ to Punjabi singer Flint ⁣Jay in 2014 and subsequent divorce in 2018 [[1]], shared her ⁣unique approach to raising her⁤ sons and teaching them valuable life skills.

The Importance of ⁢Teaching Children Responsibility

Mathira’s ⁣decision to ​pay her sons for doing household chores is rooted in her belief ⁢that ⁢children‌ should be taught ‌responsibility and the⁤ value of hard work from a young age. By paying them for their efforts, she is teaching them that their contributions to the household ‌are valued and‍ appreciated. This approach also helps to instill a⁣ sense of ⁢independence and self-reliance in ⁢children, ⁤as they learn to take care of ⁤themselves and ​their surroundings.

Chores and ‌Allowance by Age: A Guideline

But how‍ much should parents ‌pay their children for doing household ‍chores? According to ⁣a report by GoHenry, a website that ⁢provides guidance on teaching children about money management, the amount of allowance ⁤paid to children for doing chores varies ‌by age⁣ and task. For example, children aged 6-10 ‌can be paid $0.50 to $1.00 for ‌tasks such as⁣ cleaning their⁤ room or ‍helping ‍with laundry, while children aged 11-13 can be paid⁤ $1.00 ‍to $2.00 for‍ tasks such as mowing the lawn or‌ walking the dog [[3]].

Mathira’s Approach to Raising Sons

In her ‌interview, Mathira shared that her eldest son is 16 years old, an age‍ where children often require more space and‍ independence. She advised parents to ‌ignore teenage children’s⁣ mistakes and ​give them ⁣the ​freedom to make their own decisions, as this is an essential part​ of their‍ growth and⁣ development. She also emphasized the importance of ⁣teaching children ​that‍ their ‌actions have consequences, and that they should take responsibility for their mistakes.

Teaching Children the Value of Money

By paying her‍ sons‌ for doing household chores,‍ Mathira is not only ​teaching them the value of hard work and responsibility but also the value of money. Children⁤ who are‌ paid for ⁢their efforts learn to appreciate the value of money and understand that it is earned through hard work and dedication.


Mathira’s decision to pay her sons for doing household chores is a refreshing approach to raising children, one that emphasizes the importance of responsibility, hard work, and‌ financial‌ literacy. As parents, we can⁣ learn from ‌her⁢ example and consider implementing similar strategies in our own households. By teaching our children the​ value of ​money and the importance of contributing‌ to the household, we can raise responsible, ‌independent, and financially savvy individuals.




Mathira children

Pakistani Model and Host Mathira’s Unconventional Approach to Raising Sons: Paying Them for Household Chores

In a recent interview, Pakistani model and host Mathira revealed that she pays her three sons for doing household chores, a decision that has sparked interest and debate among parents and caregivers. Mathira, who has been open about her personal life, including her marriage to Punjabi singer Flint Jay in 2014 and subsequent divorce in 2018 [[1]], shared her unique approach to raising her sons and teaching them valuable life skills.

The Importance of Teaching Children Responsibility

Mathira’s decision to pay her sons for doing household chores is rooted in her belief that children should be taught responsibility and the value of hard work from a young age. By paying them for their efforts, she is teaching them that their contributions to the household are valued and appreciated. This approach also helps to instill a sense of independence and self-reliance in children, as they learn to take care of themselves and their surroundings.

Chores and Allowance by Age: A Guideline

But how much should parents pay their children for doing household chores? According to a report by GoHenry, a website that provides guidance on teaching children about money management, the amount of allowance paid to children for doing chores varies by age and task. For example, children aged 6-10 can be paid $0.50 to $1.00 for tasks such as cleaning their room or helping with laundry, while children aged 11-13 can be paid $1.00 to $2.00 for tasks such as mowing the lawn or walking the dog [[3]].

Mathira’s Approach to Raising Sons

In her interview, Mathira shared that her eldest son is 16 years old, an age where children often require more space and independence. She advised parents to ignore teenage children’s mistakes and give them the freedom to make their own decisions, as this is an essential part of their growth and development. She also emphasized the importance of teaching children that their actions have consequences, and that they should take responsibility for their mistakes.

Teaching Children the Value of Money

By paying her sons for doing household chores, Mathira is not only teaching them the value of hard work and



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