Mastermind who directed drug couriers from prison – loses expensive car

He has acknowledged this on Monday in the Court in Aalborg, which has sentenced him to 12 years in prison, and in addition, a number of valuables from the man, including two cars, will be confiscated.

Special prosecutor Kim Kristensen from Nordjyllands Police informs Ritzau.

27-year-old Janus Bundgaard has been sentenced for, among other things, instructing another man to drive to the Netherlands to pick up 12 kilos of cocaine.

But Janus Bundgaard did not manage to get his hands on the drugs himself or to pass the drugs on to suppliers, because the police raided the Danish-German border on 6 October last year, where the drug courier was caught with cocaine in the car.

The case also concerns 40 kilos of amphetamine. According to the prosecution, in the period from July to 6 October last year, the 27-year-old had entered into an agreement that he should have delivered 40 kilos of amphetamine to an address in Vognsild near Aars in North Jutland.

After the cocaine was taken at the border, the police found 30.2 kilos of amphetamine at the address in North Jutland.

And Janus Bundgaard has admitted in the district court that he instructed and coordinated via communication on the encrypted service Signal. It all happened from prison, where he was serving a five-year drug sentence, which he was sentenced to in August 2022.

In fact, it only took a few weeks from the time he was remanded in custody in connection with the case to the time he expressed to the police and prosecutors that it could probably end in a confession.

The 27-year-old mastermind has received the verdict, which, in addition to the long prison sentence, also costs him a number of valuables. The court has found that they were bought with money derived from crime.

These are two expensive cars – a Ford Mustang with an estimated value of DKK 800,000 and a Nissan Skyline. The same applies to a Rolex watch, 40,000 kroner and 2,500 euros in cash.

The drug courier, who was caught at the Danish-German border with cocaine in the car, confessed to his role earlier this summer and was also sentenced to 12 years in prison.

The courier’s brother also confessed in the case earlier this year. He stored 68 kilos of amphetamine and approximately 800 grams of cocaine, the special prosecutor says. For that he was sentenced to nine years in prison.

Three more people have been charged and are in custody in connection with the drug case.


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Stored large quantities of drugs for younger brother: It cost the 34-year-old everything

2024-08-26 14:26:55
#Mastermind #directed #drug #couriers #prison #loses #expensive #car



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