Mastering GoodNotes: 30+ Tricks for Pro-Level Note-Taking on iPad

2023-08-17 05:03:56

Including tricks for using the GoodNotes app for taking notes, taking lectures to make it easier to use and more professional. The team has already gathered Let’s go check out this article! A collection of 30+ GoodNotes app tricks on iPad. Know to use it more pro! 1. Record voice while taking notes This feature, GoodNotes, has been updated to allow recording while taking notes. And can still press to record repeatedly In the app, there will be a mark for recording and separating into audio clips in each round as well. 2. Add a pen color that you like / use often. If you already have a pen color that you like or use regularly, you can add it to the top toolbar. Don’t waste time looking for pen colors when taking notes. How to do it is tap the plus box > select the desired color > the color will appear on the toolbar. To create a new color, tap the plus sign > select the desired color > follow the same method. 3. Add pen color codes as needed. Copy the color code from the image that we have searched and add it yourself by Tap the plus sign > paste the color code in the HEX: > field, that’s all you’ve got the color code you want or another method if wanting to absorb the color from the image we find Then take a screenshot > use the dropper to point to the area we want > select the “slider bar” > copy the color code > and follow the same method. 4. Zooming notes makes writing easier. If anyone wants to write a book in a limited space while looking at the overall picture of writing. can use the zoom feature to help write It also helps to write more easily. 5. Type mode without adding a text box. You can type text like a document in the GoodNotes app. Just tap the keyboard icon. This feature automatically adds a new line. And can take notes, highlight, or use it in conjunction with additional Scribble features. A dash for word spacing. Draw a circle to select the desired word. It can be used for writing, correcting mistakes, deleting or copying. If anyone is unable to use the scribble feature, first go to the settings to use the Scibble feature by going to Settings> Apple Pencil> slider on “Write text” 7. Add fonts on iPad can add other fonts in iPad and then can be used with the GoodNotes app. See how to install fonts on iPad here. 8. Change the scrolling direction of the note view. By default, scrolling through documents on GoodNotes will scroll to the left or right. If anyone is not good at it, you can change it to scroll up or down by going to the three dots on the top right of the document > tapping on “Direction. Scroll through the screen” > Choose “Horizontal” or “Vertical” 9. Eraser Style GoodNotes eraser can choose an erasing style. Whether it’s a spot eraser when painting outside the line or a standard eraser or an eraser for the whole line is to delete the shape 10. Create shapes In GoodNotes, you can create symmetrical shapes just by tapping and holding them, whether they are circles, squares, triangles, etc.​ 11. Change the object/text color in GoodNotes. can choose the letters that we write or a text box and can change the color at once By choosing to cover the desired part > tap 1 time > select “color” as desired 12. Hide the status bar, use the full screen If anyone wants to use more full-screen note-taking can hide the top status bar By tapping on the three dots on the right > Select “Document Editing” > Slide off “Status Tab” 13. Capture only the selected portion. Use the Lasso tool to select the desired section > tap once > select “Take Screenshot” > tap Share icon then go back to the active note > tap and hold the screen once > select “Paste” 14. Crop the image. Freehand Tap on the image once > Select “Crop” > Select “Freehand” > Use Apple to select the part you want to crop > Tap Done 15. Add Elements In Goodnotes, Elements can be added from drawings or stickers that we add. Access it from the Photos app by tapping the image twice > select “Add Component” > Select Collection. It’s also possible to create collections that are exclusive to our Elements. By selecting the plus sign > Name > Drag Elements to drop > Create, just now you can use your own Elements. 16. Choose to delete just the highlighter When taking or writing notes with a light pen Sometimes you just want to delete the highlighter pen, you can go into the settings by sliding toggle on “Delete highlighter only”. 17. Scan documents. jot down important highlights can be used to scan additional documents Tap the plus sign. Add a new page > scan > then highlight what’s important. 18. Move the page position. Page position can be moved. To rearrange the content tap the page icon > drag the page. Then move it to the desired location 19. Use Split View to take notes more conveniently. Drag-and-drop images from the Photos app, the Safari app opens a note in two windows. View the contents of both files simultaneously, drag objects/images onto another note 20. Take advantage of Vistual Lookup in iPadOS 16, able to lift objects out of images and drag them onto GoodNotes 21. Lasso Tip Tricks Objects can be set to select only handwriting, images, text boxes. 22. Add website pages directly to GoodNotes. The GoodNotes app can be accessed by going to the website > selecting letters > Show Reader > Capture > Select “All” in the options box, select “PDF Document” > Open in GoodNotes > Add Documents for Notes. 23. Cross-device editing (iPhone, iPad, Mac) GoodNotes, after registering for the app purchase, can be used on all devices using the same Apple ID, both on iPad, iPhone, Mac. 24. Add note files to the page. home screen Get quick access to your notes by adding them to the Home screen. By going to Settings at Shortcuts> tap plus> select the desired note> tap the i icon> add to the home screen> set a name, add an icon> add Notes can be transferred to other apps, such as adding events in the calendar app. 26. Close all note tabs in one click. Who is the late person who likes to leave note tabs open? Keep turning it on until sometimes causing the note screen time and the device freezes, it is advisable to close other note tabs. It will help us to work faster. by tapping the icon after the note name > close other tabs You can type it on the search box right away. Free Stlye image size can be expanded vertically, horizontally or symmetrically in the corners of the image. 29. Embedded links on text. If you want to paste a link on the text to find more information or paste the source of the information, you can embed the link. Select the desired text > Link > Paste the URL you want to paste 30. Clear the page in one click. If you want to clear the page at once without having to sit and delete Select the right point > delete page. 31. Shortcuts on the keyboard Anyone who uses iPad with accessories Bluetooth Keyboard or Magic KeyBoard can use keyboard shortcuts to access tools P = Pen E = Eraser H = Highlighter S = Shape L = Lasso Tool I = Add Image T = Add Text Box 32. Work in dark mode GooNotes can be used in dark mode by setting on iPad > swipe down Control Center > turn on dark mode. 33. Add notes, pages to favorites Add notes or pages to favorites. Just tap the memo icon or star icon, then go to view it in the Favorites category. 34. Quick Notes Call Quick Notes can be accessed by tapping on the new note 2 times. The page will be the value that we used to set. hold which can be changed later When you press back, there will be an option to save the document. 35. Share notes together GoodNotes can be shared for friends to edit the work together. By tapping on the share icon > slide on share link to collaborate. Then copy the link and send it to your friends. And this is a trick for using the GoodNotes app that I think will be useful to everyone. People who use this app for taking notes or doing tasks Anyway, let’s try to use it.
#collection #GoodNotes #app #tricks #iPad #pro

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