Massive strike in education in the face of the Covid protocols waltz

“Ras-le-bol “: teachers and other staff of National Education, exasperated by the waltz of health protocols linked to the Covid-19 epidemic, take part in a massive strike on Thursday, with half of the schools closed according to the report. first primary school union.

Nearly 38.5% of teachers are on strike in kindergartens and elementary schools, according to the Ministry of Education, while the SNUipp-FSU, the first primary union, announces 75% of strikers. One in two primary schools is closed, according to SNUipp-FSU.

It is “not a strike once morest the virus but it illustrates the growing fed-up in schools” according to this union, with reference to the words of the Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer, who had spoken of a “strike once morest the virus”.

In middle and high schools, 23.7% of teachers are mobilized, according to the ministry, while the Snes-FSU, the first secondary union, announces 62% of strikers. “The strike is in the majority and shows strong anger in the educational community,” said the union.

All of the teachers’ unions, which have joined in particular, rarer, the inspectors of National Education or the heads of establishments, called for strikes and demonstrations during the day, denouncing “an indescribable mess” due to health protocols.

“There is too much mismatch between the given constraints and the reality on the ground, everyone is exhausted,” Patrick Roumagnac, secretary general of the National Education Inspection Union (SI. IN UNSA, majority).

The Parisian procession, in which the left-wing presidential candidates should take part, will leave at the beginning of the followingnoon from the Luxembourg Palace, in the direction of the Ministry of Education.

In Clermont-Ferrand, a procession provided, of 1,200 people according to the prefecture and 1,500 people according to a union, started around 10:30 am, with signs calling for the resignation of the Minister of Education. “Against this virus, I am going on strike because I attest on my honor to be poorly paid and to be despised by my minister”, one might read under a photo of Mr. Blanquer.

In Rennes, 4,500 demonstrators according to the organizers, 2,200 according to the police, left the city center to go in front of the rectorate, with slogans such as “My sign is rotten, your protocol too” or “Renew the air, transfer Blanquer “.

“I am on strike because I want to give meaning to my job,” Margot, head of a nursery school in Rennes, told AFP. “There I find myself doing a lot of administration, mistreating children, abandoning my students in class, having to justify protocols to families in which I do not believe. It is time for that to stop”.

In Marseille, where the posters “closed school” were numerous on the doors of establishments, the morning procession counted 2,200 demonstrators according to the police headquarters. The lack of resources was highlighted on the signs: “less contempt, more resources”, “Blank you want a nurse” or “order, order, disorder”.

“I understand the exasperation”

Beyond education professionals, the high school movements FIDL, MNL and La Voix lycéenne, as well as the FCPE, the first organization of parents of pupils, have also joined the movement, the latter inviting parents to mobilize.

The Unaape (National Union of Autonomous Associations of Parents of Students) also called “to support the movement of all educational teams out of solidarity”, according to its president Patrick Salaün.

In Paris or Lyon, parents showed their support for the strike, even if it resulted in organizational difficulties for them.

“I understand the exasperation of the teachers,” Carine, a mother of a pupil, told AFP in front of an elementary school in northeastern Paris.

“It is true that it is painful, I understand that the staff are fed up. Even the director must surely work during the weekends to do her job, people can no longer take it”, also considers François Lordenimus, parent of a pupil, in front of a school in Caluire-et-Cuire (Rhône).

Since 2000, the strongest mobilization in education dates from May 13, 2003, when teachers went on strike to protest once morest François Fillon’s pension reform. The strike rate had then reached 74% in the first degree, 70.5% in college, 65% in general and technological high school and 62.2% in vocational high school.

“For many years, we have not seen such a compact and unitary set of unions, both primary and secondary, but also management,” according to education historian Claude Lelièvre in an interview with Liberation.

Tension is rising, with a Minister of Education, once a good student of the government and now in turmoil. In the face of calls for resignation, government spokesman Gabriel Attal said on Wednesday that the executive was “very supportive” of his minister Jean-Michel Blanquer.

“Either we want to create controversy, which is quite easy given the difficulties posed by this virus, or we are looking for national unity around our school,” defended the Minister of Education Wednesday before the Senate.

13/01/2022 14:07:59 – Paris (AFP) – © 2022 AFP



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