Be careful if you have bought tomatoes recently or less recently. Lots of vine tomatoes containing an excessive rate of a fungicide have been recalled since Monday throughout France.
This is a batch of vine tomatoes sold by 5 kg, bearing the number 61 177. Sold since February 22 last throughout France, these fruits contain a high content of chlorothalonil, a potentially dangerous fungicide for health. The list of stores where these tomatoes were sold is available on the official website Drink reminder.
GRAPE TOMATO 5KG – Without brandRisks: Other chemical contaminants
Reason: The batch of tomatoes is contaminated (Chlorothalonil content = 0.21 mg/kg – uncertainty 50% => 0.105 mg/kg > MRL (0.01 mg/kg ppm) …
— Consum Reminder (@Consum Reminder) April 3, 2023
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Don’t eat them at all
The tomatoes were immediately withdrawn from sale in all affected stores. Customers who have purchased them are invited to destroy the products or bring them back to the store. They can indeed obtain a refund until June 30, 2023, the end date of the recall procedure.
In any case, these tomatoes should not be eaten. Ingesting too much of this fungicide, a chemical, can indeed cause multiple health problems. Any consumer who has eaten these tomatoes is invited to consult a doctor in the event of the appearance of worrying symptoms.