Massive Cyber Breach Puts Personal Information of 370,000 Retirement Insurance Clients at Risk


Lea Giandomenico

Published on Sep 13, 2024 at 12:59 p.m.

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After the cyberattacks against Boulanger, Cultura, Truffaut and the newspaper The Crossthe series continues. The Retirement Insurance has had data stolen concerning 370,000 people via an internet portal intended for social action providers for retirees, it indicated in a press release.

No banking or sensitive data revealed

“Personal data (address, social security number, approximate amount of resources), relating to approximately 370,000 beneficiaries, have been compromised,” said the National Old Age Insurance Fund (CNAV).

“Most of this data is old: some of the people concerned have died, for example,” she said.

No banking, payment, retirement, career or benefit data was compromised.

National Old Age Insurance Fund

Apologies to those affected

The data was stolen via account hijacking of service providers using the portal.

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This one, called the Social Action Partners Portal, was put out of service by the Cnav, which “presents its apologies to the people affected by the accident”.

According to a forum specializing in the resale of data resulting from hacking, consulted by the AFPthe data stolen from Cnav was available for sale on an account which also offered data stolen from the Truffaut, Cultura and Boulanger brands.

According to the Cnav, the incident was reported to the Cnil (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties), and the people concerned “will be informed”. “A complaint has also been filed,” it said.

with AFP.

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Cyber attacks

The​ Rise of Cyberattacks: A‌ Threat to Data Security

In ⁤recent‌ years, cyberattacks have become ⁤an⁣ omnipresent threat to organizations and individuals alike. The‌ frequency ⁤and severity of these attacks have increased,⁤ resulting in the compromise⁣ of sensitive information and financial losses. In this article, we will explore the recent cyberattack ⁣on the Retirement Insurance, which resulted in⁣ the theft of personal data of approximately 370,000 people.

The Cyberattack on Retirement ⁤Insurance

The Retirement Insurance, also known as the National ⁣Old Age Insurance ‍Fund (CNAV), ‌was ‌recently victimized​ by​ a‍ cyberattack that resulted in the theft‍ of personal data‌ of approximately 370,000 beneficiaries.⁤ The data was stolen via ‌an ​internet portal intended for social⁤ action providers for retirees. ⁢According to ⁤the CNAV, the compromised data included addresses, social security numbers, and​ approximate amounts of‌ resources <a href="“>[[2]]. Fortunately, no banking, payment,‍ retirement, career, or benefit data was compromised.

The ⁣Consequences of Cyberattacks

The consequences ‍of cyberattacks can be severe and far-reaching. In addition to the financial losses, cyberattacks ‌can also ⁢result in the compromise ‌of ⁤sensitive ‌information, leading to identity theft and ⁢other malicious ⁣activities. Furthermore, cyberattacks can damage ‌an organization’s ⁢reputation and erode trust among‌ its customers.‍ In the ‍case of the Retirement Insurance, ⁣the organization ​apologized​ to those affected by the incident ‌and took immediate‍ action to prevent further attacks.

The Importance of Data ⁤Security

Cyberattacks are a⁢ stark reminder ‌of‌ the importance of data security. Organizations must⁢ take⁣ measures to‌ protect​ themselves from cyber threats by implementing ​robust security measures, such as⁣ encryption, firewalls, ​and access‍ controls.⁣ Additionally, organizations ⁢must educate their employees on cybersecurity best‍ practices and conduct regular security audits ​to identify vulnerabilities.

The⁤ Rise of ⁢Ransomware ‌Attacks

Another type of cyberattack that has gained prominence in recent years is ransomware attacks. In these attacks, hackers encrypt an organization’s⁢ data and demand‌ a ⁢ransom in exchange for the decryption key.⁢ One of the biggest US insurance companies, CNA Financial, reportedly paid hackers $40 million in ransom after a cyberattack in March⁣ 2021 [[1]]. Ransomware attacks highlight the need ⁣for organizations to have robust backup⁢ systems ⁤and disaster recovery plans in place.

The Cyberwar‌ between Ukraine and Russia

Cyberattacks are not only limited to organizations‌ but can also‌ be used​ as a tool⁤ for nation-states to wage war. The ongoing conflict⁢ between Ukraine and Russia⁤ has​ seen​ a significant ‌increase in cyberattacks,⁢ with Ukraine’s intelligence claiming‍ to⁢ have launched a cyberattack on Russia’s state tax service in December⁢ 2023 [[3]].


Cyberattacks are a significant threat to organizations and individuals alike. The recent cyberattack ⁣on the Retirement Insurance⁢ and the ransomware attack on CNA⁢ Financial highlight the importance of data security‍ and the need for organizations to⁤ take measures to protect ​themselves from cyber ‍threats.⁤ As cyberattacks continue ‍to evolve and⁤ become more sophisticated, it is ⁣essential for organizations⁤ to stay vigilant and invest in robust security ⁤measures to prevent these attacks.

Keywords: cybersecurity,⁤ cyberattacks,‌ data security, ransomware, Retirement Insurance, CNA Financial, Ukraine, Russia, cyberwar.

Recent cyber attacks 2024

The Rise of Cyberattacks: A Threat to Data Security

In recent years, cyberattacks have become an omnipresent threat to organizations and individuals alike. The frequency and severity of these attacks have increased, resulting in the compromise of sensitive information and financial losses. The recent cyberattack on the Retirement Insurance, which resulted in the theft of personal data of approximately 370,000 people, serves as a stark reminder of the importance of data security.

The Threat of Cyberattacks

Cyberattacks can take many forms, including malware, phishing, and ransomware attacks. These attacks can be launched by individuals, groups, or even nation-states, and can target anyone with an online presence. The consequences of a successful cyberattack can be devastating, ranging from financial losses to reputational damage.

The Retirement Insurance Cyberattack

The recent cyberattack on the Retirement Insurance, also known as CNAV, resulted in the theft of personal data of approximately 370,000 people. The data stolen included addresses, social security numbers, and approximate amounts of resources. While no banking, payment, retirement, career, or benefit data was compromised, the incident highlights the vulnerability of even the most secure systems.

Account Hijacking and Data Theft

The data was stolen via account hijacking of service providers using the Social Action Partners Portal, which was put out of service by the Cnav. The incident was reported to the Cnil (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties), and the people concerned will be informed. A complaint has also been filed.

The Rise of Sophisticated Cyberattacks

The cyberattack on CNAV is not an isolated incident. In March 2021, CNA Financial Corporation fell prey to a “sophisticated cybersecurity attack” that disrupted the commercial insurer’s operations [[1]]. Similarly, several members of the French pensioners in Thailand Facebook group complained about a logjam in posts and Cnav’s denial of a cyber attack in September 2020 [[2]].

Data Security Measures

In response to the growing threat of cyberattacks, organizations must take proactive measures to protect their data. This includes implementing robust security protocols, conducting regular security audits, and educating employees on cybersecurity best practices. Individuals can also take steps to protect their personal data by using strong passwords, keeping software up to date, and being cautious when clicking on links or providing personal information online.


The rise of cyberattacks is a serious concern for organizations and individuals alike. The recent cyberattack on the Retirement Insurance serves as a reminder of the importance of data security and the need for proactive measures to prevent such incidents. By staying informed and taking steps to protect our data, we can mitigate the risk of cyberattacks and ensure the security of our sensitive information.


[[1]]CNA concludes investigation into cyberattack. (2021, July 14). Insurance Business Magazine.

[[2]]Computer bug denies payments to French pensioners. (2020, September 21). RFI.

[[3]]Data Security. CNAV.



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