Massive Anti-Government Protest in Warsaw: Half a Million People Take to the Streets

2023-06-04 13:34:10

Hundreds of thousands of people protested in Warsaw today against the course of the right-wing Polish government. The organizers spoke of the largest demonstration since the fall of communism in 1989. A spokesman for the organizers, citing information from the city administration, put the number of participants at half a million.

APA/AFP/Wojtek Radwanski

The leader of the largest opposition party Civic Platform (PO) and former EU Council President Donald Tusk had called for the demonstration. Other opposition parties also called on their members to join the march against the right-wing nationalist ruling party PiS.

The people demonstrated “against the expensive life, fraud and lies, as well as for democracy, free elections and the European Union,” the organizers said. The demonstration took place on the 34th anniversary of the first partially free elections in Poland. These had greatly accelerated the fall of Communism in Europe. A new parliament will be elected in Poland in the autumn.

#Hundreds #thousands #protest #Polish #government

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