Massa’s chicanery to Milei about his failed time at the Central Bank: “I understand that you are angry”

2023-11-13 01:17:45

This Sunday the presidential debate took place between Sergio Massa and Javier Milei, ahead of the November 19 runoff. In the midst of the back and forth, the candidate of Union for the Homeland He threw a harsh jab at the libertarian about his past.

«You worked at the Central Bank, yes or no?«the Unión por la Patria candidate asked his opponent.

“Yes, he was an intern,” Milei responded without knowing what would come as an answer.

-«And tell people why your internship was renewed, tell them. Because I understand that you are angry with the BCRA because at some point you felt rejectedbut it’s not about that, It is about going to the embrace of what rejects one«Massa reminds him.

Milei had an unpaid internship agreement at the highest monetary authority from 12/22/1992 to 06/22/1993. However, your contract was not renewed unlike that of other interns due to its poor performance.

Next, Massa highlighted Milei’s attempts at rapprochement with the Renewal Front. «Between 2013 and 2015 you came to the offices of the Frente Renovador with Nielsen to visit me«, refreshes his memory.

When the name of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner came up, the Minister of Economy asked him to focus the discussion on the two of them. «On December 10, it’s you or me, I’m not coming here to discuss Macri or Cristina. “People have to choose who has the temperance and mental balance necessary to carry Argentina forward.”he asserted.

For his part, Milei assured that he was qualified for the role given the proposal to become a psychotechnician to participate in the runoff, something that the liberal He already rejected it in the middle of the campaign.

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