Massa announced that the IMF will investigate the “capital flight” during Macri’s government

2023-11-06 05:44:00

The Minister of Economy and presidential candidate of Unión por la Patria, Sergio Massaannounced this Sunday that the International Monetary Fund (FMI) will carry out an investigation starting at the end of November with the aim of determine the destination of the 45 billion dollars that the government of Mauricio Macri received in the form of a loan.

The announcement was made during an interview in LN+. During the conversation with the journalist Luis Majulthe Minister of Economy, highlighted his management at the Treasury Palace and stressed that he faced two main challenges: “The first fact is the droughtLast year, at this point Argentina had exported 21 billion dollars more, and despite that we sustained employment growth in Argentina”.

“The second big piece of information is the criminal agreement with the IMF, and I am going to tell one international premiere, At the end of the month the IMF begins the investigation into the capital flight from the 2018 standby loan and he is going to send a commission that will carry out a review of the 66% that, according to the AGN, It was not used to finance hospitals or schools, or to resolve economic stability, but rather it was used to finance payment to investment funds.“, held.

Due to the payment to the IMF, the Central Bank’s reserves fell to the lowest level in 17 years

In this sense, Massa highlighted his “apology for his own and others’ errors,” but considered that “ignoring the impact of reserves on financing, with the worsening of debt maturities and the drought, is, at the very least, underestimating “a huge problem that Argentina had.”

“The drought represented in terms of size 50% of Argentine agricultural exports and The Argentine agroindustrial complex is the strongest engine of the country’s economy, in the middle, we also have a program with the IMF and this year there were 12,360 million dollars of debt maturity that Macri took”he added.

On the other hand, the representative of the ruling party highlighted the progress in the construction of the President Néstor Kirchner Gasduct (GPNK) and emphasized that this project was on hold for 4 years in the previous administration, another 3 years in the current one, and was finally completed in just 10 months under his management.

Central Bank reserves will fall to their lowest level in 17 years

Along the same lines, he added: “In 2018 or 2019, when Macri closes the agreement with the Fund, public investment drops from 1.6 to 0.4 of GDP, basically at the request of the IMF. In the 2022 document, they proposed that we lower the same amount, we rejected it because the gas pipeline was within that 1.6.”

Similarly, he also rejected the idea of ​​carrying out a “fear campaign“and responded to the journalist in relation to the cost of public transportation, clarifying that he thinks it is important that “the campaign is enlightening” and recalled what he heard in the interview he (Majul) did with the libertarian: “Milei said that the train ticket without subsidy will cost 1100, that is a fact of reality”.

“In my opinion, inform the population that instead of paying 65 pesos for a bus ticket, they could pay 700; or that instead of paying 600 pesos for the train ticket, they could pay 60 pesos, or even 1,100; or that instead of paying 350 pesos for a liter of gasoline, they could have to pay 800, it is simply communicate the truthneither more nor less than that,” he added.

Tension between Luis Majul and Sergio Massa in the interview

In a dialogue full of tension and constant interruptions on both sidesMassa stated that the only way to address the deficit is through “an aggressive export program” that also involves a modification in the ambassadors’ work system, “with a promotion associated with success in opening new markets for our companies.” .

“You didn’t ask Milei last Sundaywhen he said we are going to exchange rate unification in one day. Let people know that this is 100% devaluation.“We have to tell people,” questioned the presidential candidate of Unión por la Patria.

Survey in hand, the market leaves the exchange rate behind and is already putting numbers on the devaluation

On the other hand, although he refrained from mentioning names of possible members of his future Cabinet, he admitted that would seek collaborators from both the ruling party and the opposing faction: “If I could, from December 10 to Graciela (Camaño) He is someone I would count on within the team, like Juan Manuel Urtubey. He would summon the (Miguel) Pichetto and the (Emilio) monsoon from this world. Without fear,” she detailed.

Sergio Massa assured that Cristina Kirchner will not have any public position in her government

The Minister of Economy and presidential candidate for Unión por la Patria, Sergio Massa, assured that the vice president Cristina Kirchner “will not have public office” in case of winning the ballot on November 19.

“Cristina is not going to have a public function and she is not going to have a public position during my government,” said Massa, while ensuring that Nor will it have influence “as it did not have” in his performance as Minister of Economy.

In an interview with Luis Majul in La Nacion+Massa relativized the role of the vice president when he was appointed in charge of the finance portfolio, pointing out that “the governors and the CGT” proposed him.

When asked about the causes facing the vice president, Massa said that He doesn’t put his hands in the fire with anyone“and maintained that these processes “are in the hands of Justice.”

However, he assured that he does not believe “in those who assume the power to judge before the judges.”

Massa also explained the absence in the campaign of La Cámpora’s main reference, Máximo Kirchner, by pointing out that it is focused on him because he is the candidate.

“Everyone campaigns as they want. We are focused on society knowing who is going to govern. The president is going to be me and the campaign was centered on me. I am the one who makes decisions“said the official candidate.


#Massa #announced #IMF #investigate #capital #flight #Macris #government

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