Massa and Milei opened the campaign with a new cross on climate change and inflation

2023-09-03 23:43:38

He Presidential candidate of the Union for the Fatherland (UxP), Sergio Massa, pointed against the postulant of La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei, of whom he assured that he does not “care about destroying the planet or the lives of the people.” In a new crossing through the X social network, the liberal economist replied to Massa, whom he questioned for worrying about climate change while “half of Argentines are poor” and “inflation flies.”

The Economy Minister deliberately started the controversy by citing a publication by from more than two years ago, in which the veracity of the thesis on global warming and climate change was discussed.

“Global warming is another of the lies of socialism. 10 or 15 years ago it was discussed that the planet was going to freeze. Now they are discussing that it is heating up, those who know how these simulations are made will see that the functions are oversaturated in certain parameters on purpose to generate fear”, had been Milei’s statement, which was described as “false” by the aforementioned medium of digital communication.

The link Milei-Macri generates noise in La Libertad Avanza

Massa echoes this theoretical controversy to attack Milei for her denialism regarding the phenomenon of climate change and its conception of the commodification of natural assets; “Horror is denying climate change, Javier Milei. We know that you don’t care about destroying the planet or anyone’s life,” Massa said on his X account, formerly known as Twitter.

“I believe in taking care of the environment. For you everything can be sold, from a lung to the rivers”he sentenced, bringing up the idea of ​​the leader of La Libertad Avanza on the liberalization of the sale of organs.

Milei quickly responded to her rival at the polls, with whom she seeks to polarize to leave Patricia Bullrich, the third in contention in the race for the Casa Rosada, without a chance.

“Half of Argentines are poor, inflation flies and the Peronist candidate for president talks to you about climate change. He has lost his compass”, the right-wing economist counterattacked, in a publication that he titled “The lost one”, in explicit reference to Massa.

Milei spoke of Massa’s “economic horrors”, and the reply was harsh: “Horror is that you want to allow the sale of organs”

a few hours before, Massa had referred to Milei’s proposal to dollarize the economy: “When we talk about cowardly dollarization, which is to circulate the two currencies, we all know that the strongest eats the weakest.”

“Rates destroy industrial processes because, since you are not the issuer of your currency, you are not the one that defines the interest rate,” argued Massa, who achieved 27.19 percent of the votes in the PASO on August 13. .

In response, Milei described the words of the official candidate as “horrors”. “The interest rate is an intertemporal coordination mechanism that exists because time exists. It arises from the interaction between savings and investment. What’s more, the interest rate is the relative price of present goods with respect to future ones,” said the candidate for president for La Libertad Avanza, who obtained 30.14 percent of the votes.

Massa in turn responded to Milei by reminding her of her stance when it comes to selling organs. “Horror is that you want to allow the sale of organs. People’s lives are priceless,” she said.


#Massa #Milei #opened #campaign #cross #climate #change #inflation

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