2024-03-16 00:42:53
Dozens of people evacuated
Fire in Elgg ZH – several houses are on fire
There was a fire in Elgg on Saturday night. The fire department responded with a large contingent. The operation continues.
Published: 01:42 am
Updated: 3:15 a.m
The inferno can be clearly seen.
Several houses are on fire near the back alley in Elgg. A reader tells Blick: “I heard the sirens and woke up from my sleep.” Numerous vehicles from emergency services, including the fire department and police, rushed to the scene of the fire.
According to the police, several dozen people had to be evacuated. The Zurich cantonal police were not aware of any injuries following 2:20 a.m., a spokesman for the Keystone-SDA news agency said. The fire in one building spread to other buildings, the spokesman said. He was initially unable to say how many or which buildings were involved.
The federal government warns regarding the smoke on Alertswiss. “Please close windows and doors due to heavy smoke,” says a corresponding message. It is advised to switch off air conditioning and avoid the area around the fire. (obf)
#Major #fire #Elgg #dozens #people #evacuated