Mass Effect Epsilon: The Ultimate Guide to the Future of the Mass Effect Series

2023-11-07 18:33:20
BioWare celebrated Mass Effect’s annual N7 Day holiday with a new blog post and short teaser video. Its name hints that Mass Effect 5 may be called Mass Effect Epsilon. However, given another upcoming teaser, it will receive a completely different name. And series lead Michael Gamble promised that fans should get answers to their burning questions regarding what happened following the end of Mass Effect 3. We’ve been asking ourselves many of the same questions you’ve asked us over the years! What happened to everyone you know and love in gaming? Who really died? Who had children with whom? What kind of voice does the young volus have? What regarding all the galaxies? Endings! What the hell is going on with our asari scientist turned Shadow Broker? What regarding S… Never mind. Did you understand. And of course there are answers to these questions, but you will have to wait to hear them. There is also a binary code hidden on the blog page, which also translates as Epsilon. And fans of the series remembered that the first part of Mass Effect was planned to be called The Epsilon Effect – but then this option was discarded along with a number of others. Mass Effect 5 is still in pre-production while the bulk of BioWare is busy finishing work on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. The next chapter of the space opera is expected to take place many hundreds of years following the events of the original trilogy and will return the focus to the Milky Way.
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