Mass accident in Santiago de Cuba: nine injured, two seriously

On the morning of Wednesday, August 28, a massive accident occurred on the Cuban National Highway, right on the stretch from Irijoa to Arroyo Blanco, in the Santiago municipality of Palma Soriano.

This was reported by the First Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the PCC in Santiago de Cuba, Beatriz Johnson Urrutia, on Facebook.

According to the information offered, a Transtur Habana bus, which was transporting 40 Cuban passengers from Havana to Santiago de Cuba, hit a trailer belonging to the EMGEF Electric Power Generation Group of the FUELOIL Generators, which was heading to Contramaestre.

Preliminary details provided by Dr. Miguel Ángel Díaz Núñez, Director General of Public Health in this province, refer to nine injured people.

“As of the time of publishing these lines, the bus driver, Henry Yanes Díaz, 36 years old, resident of El Cotorro, Havana, is in critical condition and in danger of life,” the note adds. Likewise, the traveler Ricardo Matos Reyes, 58 years old, resident of the city of Guantánamo, is reported to be in serious condition, with no danger to life. The remaining seven have minor injuries.

Accident transtur Santiago de Cuba

All patients receive care at the Juan Bautista General Hospital in Palma.

According to the governor, given the risks involved in transporting them to the city of Santiago de Cuba, the two seriously injured are being treated in the Intensive Care Unit of that institution.

“When possible, everyone will be evacuated to the Hero City to ensure continued medical care,” he said.

Accidents in Cuba

Official figures provided by Colonel Roberto Rodríguez Fernández, head of the Specialized Traffic Body of the General Directorate of the National Revolutionary Police, indicate that 2023 was the year with the lowest number of accidents and injuries in Cuba – 8,556 and 5,938, respectively. However, the number of deaths (729) increased compared to 2022.

#Mass #accident #Santiago #Cuba #injured



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