“Masa and the Bear, a big celebration” for two days in Patras

“Masa and the Bear, a big celebration” for two days in Patras

“Masha and the Bear, a big celebration” the official theatrical performance, brings to life the magical world of the worldwide hit animated series. With the original foreign costumes.

Masha and the Bear is one of the top five children’s shows in Europe and America, it is broadcast in more than 130 countries, more than 78% of children worldwide know the heroes and in 2021 it topped the ranking of the most popular shows for children in the world.

And the children of Patras will have the opportunity to enjoy this show for two days at the Pantheon theater on September 14 and 15.

A few words about the project:

Masha and the Bear are preparing a big celebration for Dasha! A surprise party for her birthday and they invite young and old friends to their wonderful forest.

The delicious cupcakes with Bear’s recipe are baked and everyone is ready for Dasha’s reception.

But what happens when Dasha is late for the surprise party and Masha organizes the whole gang and they pour into the forest to find her?

Everyone together on stage sings, dances and transports us to the magical world of Masha, inviting children and adults to a mystery game that everyone must play and solve together.

Because joy is found in togetherness, togetherness creates love and from togetherness the most beautiful stories and the most beautiful memories are born.

“Masa and the Bear, a big celebration” for two days in Patras

Masha, Bear, Rosie, Squirrina, Hare, Panda, Silly and Sly, and of course Dasha welcome us and promise us an adventure full of music, laughter, singing, cupcakes, acrobatics and play. A game regardless of age, a game by everyone for everyone, a game that always ends up being a celebration.

Put on your holiday gear and get ready to party! Masha and the Bear welcome us to their big celebration!
“Masha and the Bear, a great celebration” a theatrical performance that will fascinate you.

Don’t miss her.


Directed by: TamillaKulieva
Text: Haris Chiotis, Agni Chiotis
Music: George Kostogiorgis
Scenography: Dina Zafiriou, Kolossaion Productions
Costume design: Sotiris Karathanasis
Choreography: Ioanna Mitsika
Lighting: Tryfonas Kechagias
Assistant Director: Vasiliki Zafiriou
Sounddesign: CesmeloglouDimitris
Stage Production Manager: KolossaionProductions
Hairstyling: Anna Giannakopoulou
Trailer directed by: Panagiotis Kountouras
Photography: George Nakis
Production: KolossaionProductions

They star: Tasos Athanaselos, Stella Drosinou, Elvira Polytimi Themeli, Kristana Karriki, Olia Mitsiu, Chrysa Bollati, Vlasis Papakonstantinou, Konstantinos Petridis, Sevi Spirtou.

The official theatrical show “Masha and the Bear, a big celebration” directed by Tamila Koulieva, will be in Patras for two unique performances at the Pantheon Theater on Saturday, September 14 at 6:00pm. and Sunday, September 15, 2024 at 12:00.

#Masa #Bear #big #celebration #days #Patras



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