Mary Lou MacDonald’s Popularity and Dublin Housing Crisis: A Political Shift in Ireland

2024-01-07 22:38:51

Dublin :Sinnfein leader Mary Lou MacDonald’s popularity skyrocketed following she announced a €300,000 house in Dublin, polls show. The will of the people reveals that a political leader named Mary Lou has grown to the point where she can secure the prime ministership if she gets a majority alone.

Mary Lou was made ‘safe’ by strengthening her stance once morest immigrants and making a statement that knew the heart of the homeless. It was also remarkable that this achievement came in the polls during the immigration crisis. As Sinn Féin rose in popularity, Finagel and Finahall fell.

Leo Varadkar’s response to this has drawn criticism, saying that lowering house prices would push thousands of people into negative equity and raise mortgage interest rates.

There was a two point increase (30) in popular support for Sinn Féin. The public proved to be solidly behind Mary Lou Macdonald. The Sinn Féin leader had toughened her stance on immigration. They also stated that it was wrong to give special status to Ukrainian refugees in Ireland. The vote was held following that.

Opinion polls have shown that the majority of people agree with the Sinn Fein leader’s statement that the average house price in Dublin should be €300,000. Three in five want house prices to fall, according to the Ireland Thinks/Sunday Independent poll. The current house price in Dublin is €430,000. 69 per cent want house prices to fall to €300,000. People think so.

The opinion poll shows that 63 percent of people want the property price to fall even if the value falls. 44% (two out of five) firmly believe that the price of the house will be 300,000 euros, while 44% say that it is likely.

Finagel and Finafall down

Meanwhile, Fina Gael’s support dropped by one point to 20 percent. Fina Fall’s fell by two points to 17 per cent. Martin’s party, which has received votes from independents, has reprimanded party councilors who spoke out once morest asylum in the constituency during debates in the Dáil on immigration issues.

No party; Martini is still in people’s minds

However, Martin remains the most popular leader (44%), while Social Democrats leader Holly Caryn’s rating has risen to 40%. Mary Lou McDonald on 39%, Varadkar on 38%, Labor leader Ivana Basic on 30%, Antu’s Peadar Tobin on 28% and Green Party’s Eamonn Ryan on 22%.

The approval ratings of the Social Democrats (5%) and the Gein Party (3%) remained unchanged. Support for Solidarity-People Before Profit and Labor fell between 1 and 3 percent, while Antu gained 3 percent.

People want elections

Another setback for the government was that 41 percent of the voters said that they would like to have a government without FINA GALE and FINAFAL. However, 40 percent of the voters think that the current administration will continue following the general elections.

The poll reveals that 62% people want general elections to be held this year, but 31% do not want elections.

#Sinn #Fein #wins #majority #Prime #Minister #Mary #Lou



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