Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Peter Parker Actor Says We Haven’t ‘Seen Nothing’

2023-06-01 10:53:00

The recent gameplay of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 shown at the PlayStation Showcase left some fans of net launchers somewhat cold due to its technical aspect and continuous gameplayalthough it should be noted that Insomniac Games has confirmed that said gameplay it’s not representative of the final version coming to PlayStation 5 sometime in the fall. On the other hand, in the camp of those who were satisfied with this latest look, we can find some users worried that the developer showed too much of the title. That is why Yuri Lowenthal, the actor who plays Peter Parker, has decided to come to the fore to reassure the players.

“You have seen the gameplay. Some of you have said: ‘Ah, they have shown too much! I assure you that you have not seen anything yet. It’s… Yeah, we’ve only scratched the surface. It’s just the ‘Thwip! from the Spider-Berg’, if I may use the expression,” he told IGN. We remind you that in the gameplay we were able to see Kraven and the Lizard for the first time, in addition to Parker’s black suit and new abilities.

Everything We Know About Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

“After regarding 12 minutes of gameplay, we all expected to finally know the release date of the game for PS5, but unfortunately Insomniac left us with honey on our lips. For now we only know that the title will arrive in the fall of this same 2023. Beyond that, the actor who lent his voice to Venom in the game mentioned that the premiere would be in September, but nothing is confirmed yet. For now, it’s time to settle for this extensive gameplay while we review the two previous installments”, we commented in our complete advance.

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