Maruarar’s First Day as Minister of Pera Meets the Attorney General, This is What was Discussed – detikProperti

Maruarar Sirait‘s Big Debut in Government: Building Houses from Confiscated Dreams

Jakarta has rolled out the red carpet for Maruarar Sirait, the newly minted Minister of Housing and Residential Areas. Right away, our boy Ara decided to kick things off with a tête-à-tête with Attorney General ST Burhanuddin—because what better way to start a housing ministry than by chatting about land confiscation? Talk about jumping straight into the deep end!

Arriving at the Attorney General’s office at precisely 13:10 WIB, Ara didn’t dawdle. No time for pleasantries when you’re about to discuss turning land meant for shady deals into a cozy shelter for the masses. One hour later, he emerged with the grand idea of utilizing land confiscated from corrupt individuals. “Let’s turn their greed into our housing gold!” he seemed to shout.

Ara argues that using land confiscated from corruptors is a brilliant way to tackle housing shortages while sidestepping budget constraints. I mean, if you can’t beat ’em, why not build homes on their stolen land? That’s some innovative thinking! Imagine a nice little two-bedroom apartment, complete with a view of a now-fortified prison. Sweet dreams!

According to the official dialogue, the target area for this land grab—sorry, I mean, initiative—is Jabodetabek. Ara plans to wrangle with the Ministry of Finance for legal usage, as you don’t want your housing program getting derailed by pesky legal issues. Because nothing says “let’s build homes” like a good ol’ bureaucratic tango!

In a classic politician’s twist, Ara is eager to make Pak Prabowo’s program a reality in just a hundred days. How optimistic! It’s almost as if he believes this is a cooking show and not government housing policy. “Let’s get the ingredients together and whip up a dream home!” he might as well have said. Spoiler alert: the ingredients are probably still stuck in the procurement phase.

Moreover, Burhanuddin backed the ministry’s vision, welcoming the proposal with the enthusiasm of someone who just found out there are free donuts in the breakroom. “Joint support is necessary, and we’re all in this together!” he declared. A classic rousing speech—perfect for securing that government synergy we all love to hear about!

So folks, what do we take from this? Yes, we desperately need homes, but we also need the mechanism to build them. Maruarar is ready to take on the challenge—but we’ll be watching closely to see whether this plan can truly turn the tables on corruption or whether it’s just a case of bureaucratic window dressing. After all, they say good fences make good neighbors, but if the fence is built from confiscated land, well, we’d better hope the neighbors don’t start breaking in!

In all seriousness, folks, tackling the housing crisis with creative solutions is commendable, but it’s going to take more than a flashy press conference to build real change. We need to keep our politicians accountable—after all, it’s not just about building homes, it’s about ensuring everyone has a roof over their head that doesn’t come with strings attached!



Maruarar Sirait has officially served as Minister of Housing and Residential Areas. On his first day of work, Ara, as he is known, met Attorney General ST Burhanuddin at the Indonesian Attorney General’s Office.

Maruarar arrived at the Attorney General’s office, South Jakarta at 13.10 WIB. As soon as he arrived, Ara immediately went to the Attorney General’s office.

The meeting lasted approximately 1 hour. After the meeting, Maruarar said that his visit to the Attorney General was for an audience and discussion regarding the possibility of using land confiscated by the Attorney General’s Office for the construction of a housing program.



“So what is the solution in the midst of existing budget constraints, we can utilize land confiscated from corruptors to be used for the people,” said Maruarar, Tuesday (22/10/2024).

Ara said that according to him, the land that will be targeted this time is in the Jabodetabek area. Apart from that, Ara will also coordinate with the Ministry of Finance regarding the use of this confiscated land.

“And we also get support on how to proceed so that it is also legal by coordinating with the Minister of Finance and also with the Director General of State Assets. Later we will immediately ask for time with the Minister of Finance so that the process can run quickly,” he said.

“And we can also make Pak Prabowo’s program a reality within a hundred days. In that step we can start a movement to build and work together to build houses for the people. Then, with all our limitations, it doesn’t make us discouraged, we also have to look for solutions by “Later we will involve friends, entrepreneurs, the land may be prepared by the Prosecutor’s Office,” he added.

Meanwhile, Attorney General ST Burhanuddin explained that his party welcomed the plan. Because according to him, this will be done with cooperation.

“And this really requires joint support and this is our common task. And coincidentally, at our prosecutor’s office, we have confiscated land and we will synergize how this land can be used for the benefit of the people. And of course it requires mechanisms and there’s time for it to be resolved,” he said.

“We have started, today we are starting and God willing, it won’t be long before we have clarity on how many hectares we can hand over to the Minister of Public Housing,” he added.

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