Márton Békés: The North Atlantic bloc is not our bloc

Hungary‘s NATO Dilemma: Are We in the Right Block?

Oh, Hungary! A nation that seems to be caught between a rock and a hard place, or perhaps a pancake and a goulash. Enter Márton Békés, the research director of the illustrious House of Terror Museum. In a recent appearance on the public media’s Commentary Club, he boldly declared that Hungary doesn’t quite fit into the North Atlantic bloc. Spoiler alert: He’s not throwing a welcome party anytime soon!

Márton Békés himself stated:

The problem is – I’ll be honest – we’re not in a good block. This bloc, the North Atlantic bloc, according to our value system, is not our bloc, but we are still in it. How this will end is a difficult question.

It’s akin to being invited to a party where everyone speaks a different language, except they’re all talking about economics, climate change, and that one guy’s cat that’s gone vegan. Utter confusion. If only the cat knew what a mice-free diet really meant for survival!

Now, let’s cue Márton Tompos, the newly elected president of Momentum – because it wouldn’t be a proper Hungarian event without someone trying to clear the air on social media! He took to Facebook to share his thoughts, possibly while sipping a nice pálinka, trying to distill the essence of Békés’ profound observation.

Contradictions in the Air

But hold onto your hats, folks! 444 hasn’t missed the melodrama. They pointed out that Békés’ comments stand somewhat at odds with Hungary’s dear leader, Viktor Orbán.

Last week, in an almost theatrical moment in Strasbourg, Orbán quipped, when faced with a question about handing over pieces of Hungary to the aggressor Russia,:

“Hungary is a member of NATO, so there is no need to worry about what would happen if it were not a NATO member. Thank God we are, we are in. We were the buffer zone for many, many decades, it wasn’t easy, but we survived. And now we are in NATO. It took more than 40-45 years, but it was done. It didn’t happen overnight. We suffered and finally found NATO’s port of peace. So there is no such question as to what would happen if we were not NATO members. The point is how to behave properly if we are NATO members.”

Now, bless him, Orbán paints a rosy picture of NATO as the promised port of peace—like a Mediterranean beach without the sunburn. Remember, though, peace isn’t just a vacation; it’s more like that awkward family dinner you can’t leave until someone finishes their dessert…and that dessert is definitely not frost-free.

Navigating the Political Minefield

So, what do we have here? A battle of ideologies, or as I prefer to call it, Hungary’s own version of a political chess game where no one is quite sure who brought the board! Békés suggests we’re part of a bloc that doesn’t align with our values, while Orbán says “Worry not!” We’re safely tucked away inside NATO’s warm embrace, like a cat in a cozy bed—until the doorbell rings, and chaos ensues.

At the end of the day, it seems Hungary is navigating a minefield of national identity and international expectations. Békés and Orbán have laid out quite the map, but the directions? Well, they might still be stuck in the backseat of a taxi without a GPS. Who’s driving? And more importantly, is anyone really ready for the destination?

Conclusion: The Road Ahead

As we look onward, the question looms: Will Hungary find its true bloc, or will it stay lost at sea, bumping into NATO’s ships like a drunken sailor trying to dance on deck? Either way, it seems the only certain thing is that we’re in for quite a show. Grab your popcorn; it’s bound to be entertaining!

Márton Békésthe research director of the House of Terror Museum is the public media Commentary Club in his program, he explained that, in his opinion, Hungary is not in its place, that the Western federal system is not suitable for Hungary. He put it exactly like this:

The problem is – I’ll be honest – we’re not in a good block. This bloc, the North Atlantic bloc, according to our value system, is not our bloc, but we are still in it. How this will end is a difficult question.

To the scene Márton Tomposbecame president of Momentum attentive and also posted on Facebook.

A 444 drew attention to the fact that that Márton Békés somewhat contradicts To Viktor Orbánwho last week in Strasbourg, when asked if we would hand over a part of our country to the aggressor Russia for the sake of peace, if we were not a member of NATO, said:

“Hungary is a member of NATO, so there is no need to worry about what would happen if it were not a NATO member. Thank God we are, we are in. We were the buffer zone for many, many decades, it wasn’t easy, but we survived. And now we are in NATO. It took more than 40-45 years, but it was done. It didn’t happen overnight. We suffered and finally found NATO’s port of peace. So there is no such question as to what would happen if we were not NATO members. The point is how to behave properly if we are NATO members.”



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